Releases: bnosac/textplot
Releases · bnosac/textplot
CRAN Release 0.2.2
CRAN Release 0.2.1
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.2.1
- Fix bug in textplot_bitermclusters.default (and plot.BTM as it uses textplot_bitermclusters.default) which
unintentionally left the option open that if a biterm which was assigned to several topics it could be shown in one of the 2 topics by chance depending on the order of the biterms data. This could only occur if the most emitted words by each of these 2 topics were the same. See issue #7.
CRAN Release 0.2.0
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.2.0
- Added textplot_embedding_2d
CRAN Release 0.1.4
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.1.4
- Make example conditionally on availability of udpipe
CRAN Release 0.1.2
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.1.2
- Move igraph package from Imports to Suggests
- Added extra examples in the vignette
- Made functions textplot_bar, textplot_bitermclusters, textplot_cooccurrence, textplot_correlation_lines, textplot_correlation_glasso, textplot_dependencyparser generic
- First argument of function textplot_bitermclusters is now called x instead of terminology
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.1.1
- Fix NOTE on CRAN indicating the use of UTF-8 encoded text in the data
- Added vignette
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.1.0
- Initial package
- Added textplot_bar
- Added textplot_bitermclusters
- Added textplot_cooccurrence
- Added textplot_correlation_lines
- Added textplot_correlation_glasso
- Added textplot_dependencyparser
CRAN Release 0.1.0
CHANGES IN textplot VERSION 0.1.0
- Initial package
- Added textplot_bar
- Added textplot_bitermclusters
- Added textplot_cooccurrence
- Added textplot_correlation_lines
- Added textplot_correlation_glasso
- Added textplot_dependencyparser