Allows reordering a list with either mouse dragging or keyboard using only vanilla JS. Elements are moved with CSS transitions where possible or with @bluecateng/nano-spring so it feels more natural. The callbacks allow implementation of feedback for accessibility.
The article 4 Major Patterns for Accessible Drag and Drop / Sorting a List in Medium has an example of how to implement accessibility.
Size: 4,090 bytes before compression.
npm i -S @bluecateng/smooth-reorder
import reorder from '@bluecateng/smooth-reorder';
const container = document.querySelector('#test');
reorder(container, {
onStart: (element, position) => console.log(`Started moving element ${element} from ${position}`),
onMove: (element, position) => console.log(`Element ${element} moved to ${position}`),
onFinish: (element) => console.log(`Element ${element} moved`),
onCancel: (element) => console.log(`Element ${element} move cancelled`),
This CSS must be added to the page:
.draggable {
cursor: move;
cursor: grab;
touch-action: none;
.dragging {
z-index: 1000;
.placeholder {
opacity: 0;
.clone {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
will-change: transform;