BlockApps Sample Game
In addition to naming and versioning your app in metadata.json
, you can also use
to upload contracts during the blockchain and having their addresses
available through a javascript library.
"gameContract": {
"contractName": "SampleGame",
"contractFilename": "contracts/SampleGame.sol",
"args": {}
For each key supplied in initfile.json
, a javascript variable will be created.
Strato will use the contractName
, contractFilename
, and args
in order
to decide which uploaded contract to use and which arguments to provide to
the constructor. In this case, contract SampleGame
in contracts/SampleGame.sol
has no arguments for its constructor so the empty object will suffice. In other
constructors, you should use an object with a key for each parameter to that
After upload, an addresses.js
file will be generated. An example module looks like:
const addresses = {
gameContract: "81b081f69a1998b3eefcbfde419ec7f57944cf1a",
Then to make use of this address, include <script src="addresses.js"></script>
the dapp's index.html
so that addresses.gameContract
will describe the uploaded
contract in javascript blocks:
let callContractMethodUrl = window.location.origin + "/bloc/v2.2/users" +
path.join(username, userAddress, "contract", contractName,
addresses.gameContract, "call?resolve");