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Add parameter for EA database connection and filter for packages to e…
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…xportEA script and gradle config
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PeterStange committed May 29, 2020
1 parent 48f18fe commit 6dc4255
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Showing 4 changed files with 134 additions and 57 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Config.groovy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,3 +114,25 @@ confluence.with {
// proxy = [host: '', port: 1234, schema: 'http']
//Configuration for the export script 'exportEA.vbs'.
// The following parameters can be used to change the default behaviour of 'exportEA'.
// All parameter are optionally.
// Parameter 'connection' allows to select a certain database connection by using the ConnectionString as used for
// directly connecting to the project database instead of looking for EAP/EAPX files inside and below the 'src' folder.
// Parameter 'packageFilter' is an array of package GUID's to be used for export. All images inside and in all packages below the package represented by its GUID are exported.
// A packageGUID, that is not found in the currently opened project, is silently skipped.
// PackageGUID of multiple project files can be mixed in case multiple projects have to be opened.

exportEA.with {
// OPTIONAL: Set the connection to a certain project or comment it out to use all project files inside the src folder or its child folder.
// connection = "DBType=1;Connect=Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=[THE_DB_NAME_OF_THE_PROJECT];Data Source=[];LazyLoad=1;"
// OPTIONAL: Add one or multiple packageGUIDs to be used for export. All packages are analysed, if no packageFilter is set.
// packageFilter = [
// "{A237ECDE-5419-4d47-AECC-B836999E7AE0}",
// "{B73FA2FB-267D-4bcd-3D37-5014AD8806D6}"
// ]

18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion scripts/exportEA.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,24 @@ use `gradle exportEA` to re-export files
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/ea/').write(readme)
doLast {"docToolchain > exportEA: "+docDir)"docToolchain > exportEA: "+mainConfigFile)
def configFile = new File(docDir, mainConfigFile)
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(configFile.text)
def scriptParameterString = ""
if(!config.exportEA.connection.isEmpty()){"docToolchain > exportEA: found "+config.exportEA.connection)
scriptParameterString = scriptParameterString + "-c \"${config.exportEA.connection}\""
if (!config.exportEA.packageFilter.isEmpty()){
def packageFilterToCreate = config.exportEA.packageFilter as List"docToolchain > exportEA: package filter list size: "+packageFilterToCreate.size())
packageFilterToCreate.each { packageFilter ->
scriptParameterString = scriptParameterString + " -p \"${packageFilter}\""
//execute through cscript in order to make sure that we get WScript.echo right
"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\cscript.exe //nologo ${projectDir}/scripts/exportEAP.vbs".executeCmd()
"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\cscript.exe //nologo ${projectDir}/scripts/exportEAP.vbs ${scriptParameterString}".executeCmd()
//the VB Script is only capable of writing iso-8859-1-Files.
//we now have to convert them to UTF-8
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/ea/.').eachFileRecurse { file ->
Expand Down
150 changes: 94 additions & 56 deletions scripts/exportEAP.vbs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
If (prefix<>"") Then
post = "_"
End If
set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path&prefix&post&strFileName&".ad",ForAppending, True)
name = currentElement.Name
name = Replace(name,vbCr,"")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,39 +123,38 @@
End Sub

Sub SaveDiagram(currentModel, currentDiagram)
' Open the diagram
' Open the diagram

' Save and close the diagram
If (currentModel.Name="Model") Then
' When we work with the default model, we don't need a sub directory
path = "/src/docs/images/ea/"
path = "/src/docs/images/ea/" & currentModel.Name & "/"
End If
diagramName = Replace(currentDiagram.Name," ","_")
diagramName = Replace(diagramName,vbCr,"")
diagramName = Replace(diagramName,vbLf,"")
filename = path & diagramName & ".png"
MakeDir("." & path)
' projectInterface.putDiagramImageToFile currentDiagram.DiagramID,fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")&filename,1
WScript.echo " extracted image to ." & filename
For Each diagramElement In currentDiagram.DiagramObjects
Set currentElement = Repository.GetElementByID(diagramElement.ElementID)
WriteNote currentModel, currentElement, currentElement.Notes, diagramName&"_notes"
For Each diagramLink In currentDiagram.DiagramLinks
set currentConnector = Repository.GetConnectorByID(diagramLink.ConnectorID)
WriteNote currentModel, currentConnector, currentConnector.Notes, diagramName&"_links"
' Save and close the diagram
If (currentModel.Name="Model") Then
' When we work with the default model, we don't need a sub directory
path = "/src/docs/images/ea/"
path = "/src/docs/images/ea/" & currentModel.Name & "/"
End If
diagramName = Replace(currentDiagram.Name," ","_")
diagramName = Replace(diagramName,vbCr,"")
diagramName = Replace(diagramName,vbLf,"")
filename = path & diagramName & ".png"
MakeDir("." & path)
' projectInterface.putDiagramImageToFile currentDiagram.DiagramID,fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")&filename,1
WScript.echo " extracted image to ." & filename
For Each diagramElement In currentDiagram.DiagramObjects
Set currentElement = Repository.GetElementByID(diagramElement.ElementID)
WriteNote currentModel, currentElement, currentElement.Notes, diagramName&"_notes"
For Each diagramLink In currentDiagram.DiagramLinks
set currentConnector = Repository.GetConnectorByID(diagramLink.ConnectorID)
WriteNote currentModel, currentConnector, currentConnector.Notes, diagramName&"_links"
End Sub
' Recursively saves all diagrams under the provided package and its children
Sub DumpDiagrams(thePackage,currentModel)

Set currentPackage = thePackage

' export element notes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,23 +193,44 @@
End If
End Sub

Function SearchEAProjects(path)

For Each folder In path.SubFolders
SearchEAProjects folder

For Each file In path.Files
If fso.GetExtensionName (file.Path) = "eap" OR fso.GetExtensionName (file.Path) = "eapx" Then
WScript.echo "found "&file.path
If (Left(, 1) = "_") Then
WScript.echo "skipping, because it start with `_` (replication)"
End If
End If

Function SearchEAProjects(path)
For Each folder In path.SubFolders
SearchEAProjects folder

For Each file In path.Files
If fso.GetExtensionName (file.Path) = "eap" OR fso.GetExtensionName (file.Path) = "eapx" Then
WScript.echo "found "&file.path
If (Left(, 1) = "_") Then
WScript.echo "skipping, because it start with `_` (replication)"
End If
End If
End Function

'Gets the package object as referenced by its GUID from the Enterprise Architect project.
'Looks for the model node, the package is a child of as it is required for the diagram export.
'Calls the Sub routine DumpDiagrams for the model and package found.
'An error is printed to console only if the packageGUID is not found in the project.
Function DumpPackageDiagrams(EAapp, packageGUID)
WScript.echo "DumpPackageDiagrams"
WScript.echo packageGUID
Dim package
Set package = EAapp.Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageGUID)
If (package Is Nothing) Then
WScript.echo "invalid package - as package is not part of the project"
Dim currentModel
Set currentModel = package
while currentModel.IsModel = false
Set currentModel = EAapp.Repository.GetPackageByID(currentModel.parentID)
' Iterate through all child packages and save out their diagrams
' save all diagrams of package itself
call DumpDiagrams(package, currentModel)
End If
End Function

Sub OpenProject(file)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,33 +258,51 @@
WScript.echo file
GUID = Mid(file, InStrRev(file,"{")+0,38)
WScript.echo GUID
Dim package
set package = EAapp.Repository.GetPackageByGuid(GUID)
WScript.echo TypeName(package)
set currentModel = package
while currentModel.IsModel = false
set currentModel = EAapp.Repository.GetPackageByID(currentModel.parentID)
WScript.echo currentModel.parentID
' Iterate through all child packages and save out their diagrams
For Each childPackage In package.Packages
call DumpDiagrams(childPackage, currentModel)
call DumpPackageDiagrams(EAapp, GUID)
If packageFilter.Count = 0 Then
WScript.echo "done"
' Iterate through all model nodes
For Each currentModel In Repository.Models
' Iterate through all child packages and save out their diagrams
For Each childPackage In currentModel.Packages
call DumpDiagrams(childPackage,currentModel)
' Iterate through all packages found in the package filter given by script parameter.
For Each packageGUID In packageFilter
call DumpPackageDiagrams(EAapp, packageGUID)
End If
End If
End Sub

Private connectionString
Private packageFilter
Set packageFilter = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set objArguments = WScript.Arguments
Dim argCount
argCount = 0
While objArguments.Count > argCount+1
Select Case objArguments(argCount)
Case "-c"
connectionString = objArguments(argCount+1)
Case "-p"
packageFilter.Add objArguments(argCount+1)
End Select
argCount = argCount + 2
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
WScript.echo "Image extractor"
If IsEmpty(connectionString) Then
WScript.echo "looking for .eap(x) files in " & fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "/src"
'Dim f As Scripting.Files
SearchEAProjects fso.GetFolder("./src")
WScript.echo "opening database connection now"
End If
WScript.echo "finished exporting images"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/docs/manual/05_contributors.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Here is an incomplete and unordered list of contributors:
-[Maarten Gribnau]
-[Michael Prieß]
-[Heiko Stehli]
-[Peter Stange]
-[Nils Mahlstädt] @[hmmh]

(please update your entry to match your preferences! :-)
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