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Check Certificates (force_false) #108

Check Certificates (force_false)

Check Certificates (force_false) #108

Workflow file for this run

name: Check Certificates
run-name: Check Certificates (${{ github.ref_name }})
on: [workflow_call, workflow_dispatch]
TEAMID: ${{ secrets.TEAMID }}
GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
name: Validate
uses: ./.github/workflows/validate_secrets.yml
secrets: inherit
needs: validate
runs-on: macos-14
new_certificate_needed: ${{ steps.set_output.outputs.new_certificate_needed }}
# Uncomment to manually select latest Xcode if needed
#- name: Select Latest Xcode
# run: "sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/"
# Checks-out the repo
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Patch Fastlane Match to not print tables
- name: Patch Match Tables
run: find /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems -name table_printer.rb | xargs sed -i "" "/puts("
# Install project dependencies
- name: Install Project Dependencies
run: bundle install
# Create or update provisioning profiles
- name: Check certificate and profiles
run: |
echo "Running Fastlane certs lane..."
bundle exec fastlane certs --verbose 2>&1 | tee output.log
# Check Fastlane output for Certificate
if grep -q -E "Your certificate .* is valid" output.log; then
echo "::notice title=Distribution Certificate::Your Distribution certificate is valid"
elif grep -q "Couldn't find a valid code signing identity for distribution... creating one for you now" output.log; then
echo "::notice title=Distribution Certificate::Couldn't find a valid Distribution certificate, creating one for you now."
# Check Fastlane output for Profiles
if grep -q "No existing profiles found, that match the certificates you have installed locally! Creating a new provisioning profile for you" output.log; then
echo "::notice title=Provisioning Profiles::No existing profiles found, creating new provisioning profiles for you."
elif grep -q "Updated appstore and platform ios" output.log; then
echo "::notice title=Provisioning Profiles::Profiles have been successfully updated."
elif grep -q "(stored in your storage) is not available on the Developer Portal" output.log; then
echo "::notice title=Provisioning Profiles::The certificate in your Match-Secrets repository is not available on the Developer Portal"
- name: Check Distribution Certificate and create or renew if needed
run: bundle exec fastlane check_and_renew_certificates
id: check_certs
- name: Set output based on Fastlane result
id: set_output
run: |
CERT_STATUS_FILE="${{ github.workspace }}/fastlane/new_certificate_needed.txt"
if [ -f "$CERT_STATUS_FILE" ]; then
CERT_STATUS=$(cat "$CERT_STATUS_FILE" | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r') # Read file content and strip newlines
echo "new_certificate_needed: $CERT_STATUS"
echo "new_certificate_needed=$CERT_STATUS" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Certificate status file not found. Defaulting to false."
echo "new_certificate_needed=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Check if ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS is not set to true when certs are valid
if [ "$CERT_STATUS" != "true" ] && [ "$ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS" != "true" ]; then
echo "::notice::🔔 Automated renewal of certificates is disabled because the repository variable ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS is not set to 'true'."
# Check if ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS is not set to true when certs are not valid
if [ "$CERT_STATUS" = "true" ] && [ "$ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS" != "true" ]; then
echo "::error::❌ No valid distribution certificate found. Automated renewal of certificates was skipped because the repository variable ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS is not set to 'true'."
exit 1
# Check if vars.FORCE_NUKE_CERTS is not set to true
if [ vars.FORCE_NUKE_CERTS = "true" ]; then
echo "::warning::‼️ Nuking of certificates was forced because the repository variable FORCE_NUKE_CERTS is set to 'true'."
# Nuke Certs if needed, and if the repository variable ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS is set to 'true', or if FORCE_NUKE_CERTS is set to 'true', which will always force certs to be nuked
needs: [validate, check_certs]
runs-on: macos-14
if: ${{ (needs.check_certs.outputs.new_certificate_needed == 'true' && vars.ENABLE_NUKE_CERTS == 'true') || vars.FORCE_NUKE_CERTS == 'true' }}
- name: Output from Check_certs
run: echo "new_certificate_needed=${{ needs.check_certs.outputs.new_certificate_needed }}"
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install dependencies
run: bundle install
- name: Run Fastlane nuke_certs
run: |
set -e
bundle exec fastlane nuke_certs
- name: Add warning annotations for nuke_certs
if: ${{ success() }}
run: |
echo "::warning::⚠️⚠️⚠️ All Distribution certificates and TestFlight profiles have been revoked."
- name: Recreate Distribution certificate after nuking
run: |
set -e
bundle exec fastlane certs
- name: Add success annotations for certificate recreation
if: ${{ success() }}
run: |
echo "::warning::⚠️⚠️⚠️ Certificates have been recreated successfully."
echo "::warning::❗️❗️❗️ If you have other apps being distributed by GitHub Actions / Fastlane / TestFlight that does not renew certificates automatically, please run the '3. Create Certificates' workflow for each of these apps to allow these apps to be built."
echo "::warning::✅✅✅ But don't worry about your existing TestFlight builds, they will keep working!"