Process to put the mark <h2> html tag into each 'abstract' element present in the xml files.
- For each input xml file
- For each '<ab>' , '<ab_[lang]>' field
- If the field contains at least one word of the 'allowed words - type 1' followed by a collon as the patterns:
- <begin of the sentence><allowed words type 1><collon><other words> - ex: My conclusion : the study...
- <dot><allowed words><collon><other words type 1> - ex: ...for that . My conclusion : the study...
- Or if the field contains one word of the 'allowed words - type 2' followed by a dot as the patterns:
- <begin of the sentence><allowed words type 2><dot><other words> - ex: Conclusion . the study...
- <dot><allowed words><dor><other words type 2> - ex: ...for that . Conclusion . the study...
- Then create a copy of the abstract field with name <mark> or <marl_lang> and mark the <allowed words> with <h2><allowed words></h2>
- aim
- aims
- analysis
- background
- comentario
- comentarios
- comment
- comments
- conclusao
- conclusion
- conclusion(s)
- conclusions
- conclusiones
- conclusoes
- contexto
- desenho
- design
- discusion
- discussion
- diseno
- finding
- findings
- justificativa
- justificacion
- hypothesis
- introducao
- introduccion
- introduction
- limitation
- limitations
- material
- measure
- measures
- method
- methodology
- methods
- metodo
- metodologia
- metodos
- objective
- objectives
- objectivo
- objectivos
- objetivo
- objetivos
- outcome
- outcomes
- purpose
- purposes
- purpose(s)
- resultado
- resultados
- result
- results
- significance
- subjects
- summary
- synthesis
- conclusion
- conclusiones
- conclusions
- conclusao
- conclusoes
- method
- methods
- metodology
- metodo
- metodos
- metodologia
- objective
- objectives
- objetivo
- objetivos
- objectivos
- result
- results
- resultado
- resultados