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bippan1407 authored Apr 29, 2024
1 parent 31ac4ba commit 6badf17
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 324 deletions.
325 changes: 1 addition & 324 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,324 +1 @@
# vue-migration

This library was build to convert vue 2 options api syntax to vue 3 syntax.

This does not transform template code. This works only for vue 2 syntax on script tag.

npm install -g vue-migration

### Usage

--projectLocation - takes location of your project or location of vue file it needs to convert.

-- transformFolder - takes location of folder where you want to keep your new transformed vue files. This will not change the orignal vue files.
// adding folder
vue-migration --projectLocation="/projectLocation" --transformFolder="/transformFolder"
// adding vue file location
vue-migration --projectLocation="/projectLocation/test.vue" --transformFolder="/transformFolder"

If you want to change orignal files you can add --dryRun=false.
// To change the main files pass --dryRun=false
vue-migration --projectLocation="" --dryRun=false

At the end of transformation it will show result for the number of files that are processed,number of files successfully transformed and number files that needs to be transformed manually.

For all the files which were not transformed you will get a location to 'files-to-migrate-manually.json' this json has list of all files which are not transformed and for such files migration to new code needs to be done manually.

![Alt text](

## Does it convert all the code to the latest syntax?

vue-migration tries to convert most of the code th at is necessary reducing manual efforts spend by devs to update to latest stack.

props, watch, data(), computed, emits, lifecychooks, $refs, $router, $route, $device, layout(nuxt 2) are converted to new vue 3 composition api syntax.

mapActions, mapState, mapGetters used with vuex are converted to pinia import syntax.

## Example
File converted by vue-migration from vue 2 syntaxt to new vue 3 composition syntax.

Vue 2 syntax
import { mapGetters, mapActions, mapState } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'VueMigration',
props: {
name: 'vue-migration',
data() {
return {
description: "upgrade from vue 2 to vue 3"
computed: {
...mapGetters('user', {
isDeveloper: 'isDeveloper'
isManager: 'user/isManager'
nameAndDescription() {
return + "" + this.description
watch: {
description(newValue, oldValue) {
mounted() {
const response = this.$axios.$get('/user')
console.log('component mounted')
this.$once('hook:beforDestroy', () => {
destroyed() {
console.log('component destroyed')
methods: {
...mapActions('developer', ['addDeveloper']),
createNewUser: "user/addNewUser",
onDescriptionChange() {
const devName = this.$store.getters['user/devName']
console.log('decription is changed')
this.$store.dispatch('dev/onDescriptionChangeByDev', { developerName: devName })
onRedirect() {
const devName = this.$store.getters['user/devName']
this.$emit('on-redirect', { devName })

New vue 3 syntax
<script setup>
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useUserStore } from '~/store/user'
import { useDeveloperStore } from '~/store/developer'
import { useDevStore } from '~/store/dev'
// #region emits
const emit = defineEmits(["on-redirect"])
// #endregion emits
// #region props
const props = defineProps({
name: 'vue-migration',
// #endregion props
// #region nuxt properties
const router = useRouter();
// #endregion nuxt properties
// #region pinia state, getters and actions
const developerStore = useDeveloperStore()
const userStore = useUserStore()
const devStore = useDevStore()
const { isDeveloper, isManager, devName } = storeToRefs(userStore)
const { addDeveloper } = developerStore
const { addNewUser: createNewUser } = userStore
const { onDescriptionChangeByDev } = devStore
// #endregion pinia state, getters and actions
// #region component data
const description = ref("upgrade from vue 2 to vue 3");
// #endregion component data
// #region computed properties
const nameAndDescription = computed(() => {
return + "" + description.value;
// #endregion computed properties
// #region watch
watch(description, (newValue, oldValue) => {
// #endregion watch
// #region methods
const onDescriptionChange = () => {
const devName = devName.value
console.log('decription is changed')
onDescriptionChangeByDev({ developerName: devName });
const onRedirect = () => {
const devName = devName.value
emit('on-redirect', { devName })
// #endregion methods
// #region lifecycle hooks
onMounted(() => {
const response = // TODO Change axios call
// this.$axios.$get('/user')
console.log('component mounted')
// TODO Need to migrate manually
// this.$once('hook:beforDestroy', () => {
// });
onDestroyed(() => {
console.log('component destroyed')
// #endregion lifecycle hooks

There is some syntax in vue files that needs to be changed manually. Added a TODO on such places.

// #region lifecycle hooks
onMounted(() => {
const response = // TODO Change axios call
// this.$axios.$get('/user')
console.log('component mounted')
// TODO Need to migrate manually
// this.$once('hook:beforDestroy', () => {
// });
onDestroyed(() => {
console.log('component destroyed')

### Options

Use config.json file when you have a lot of options to pass

vue-migration --configLocation="/Users/bippan/Documents/migration.config.json"

- isDev: boolean, default false
- when you want to add see the errors on the console.
- projectLocation: Array[string] | string
- can be location to file or folder
- transformedFolderLocation: string
- when you want to save the changes to different folder.
- dryRun: boolean, default true
- when you dont want to modify the current files
- emptyTransformFolder: boolean, default false
- set to true if you want to delete the transformedFolderLocation files before adding new files to it.
- saveErrorLogs: boolean, default false
- saveErrorLogsFilePath: string
- if saveErrorLogs is set to true add folder location to save the file.
- commentAxios: boolean, default true
- if you want to comment this.$axios syntax and want to replace manually
- commentOtherCode - boolean, default true
- be default code which cannot cannot be converted will be commented with prefix TODO
- replaceThisExpression: Array[object]
- if you want to replace ```this.$axios.gett()``` syntax to ```$axios.get()``` assumming axios in plugin you can add object like ```"$axios": {
"replaceWith": "$axios",
"isPlugin": true

New syntax that will be added
const { $axios } = useNuxtApp()
- if you want to replace ```this.$nextTick``` syntax to ```nextTick``` you can add object like ```"$nextTick": {
"replaceWith": "nextTick",
"isPlugin": false
New syntax that will be added
nextTick(() => {...})
- if you want to add new import of your function you can add object like ```
"addValues": {
"replaceWith": "addValues",
"isPlugin": false,
"isImport": true,
"importSyntax": "import addValues from '~/utils/addValues'"
New syntax that will be added
import addValues from '~/utils/addValues'
all options
"isDev": true,
"projectLocation": "",
"transformedFolderLocation": null,
"dryRun": false,
"emptyTransformFolder": false,
"saveErrorLogs": true,
"saveErrorLogsFilePath": "",
"commentAxios": false,
"commentOtherCode": true,
"replaceThisExpression": {
"$axios": {
"replaceWith": "$axios",
"isPlugin": true
"$moment": {
"replaceWith": "$moment",
"isPlugin": true
"$dayjs": {
"replaceWith": "$dayjs",
"isPlugin": true
"$nextTick": {
"replaceWith": "nextTick",
"isPlugin": false
"addValues": {
"replaceWith": "addValues",
"isPlugin": false,
"isImport": true,
"importSyntax": "import addValues from '~/utils/addValues'"
Click for [Documentation](

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