The repository provides scripts for spliting PE fastq from MGI sequencer platform by barcodes sequence.
The current implementation was written by caoshuhuan ([email protected]). I would appeciate if you send email to me when you have any question about this script or report bug !
The current code version is v1.0.2
- split PE fastq with single barcode
- outputs are compressed
- some statistical results provided
- delete parameter
- modified compress method to reduce process time
- submit
for MGI dual barcodes multiplexing, type inperl -h
to get the tutorial of this script
- support SE data
v1.1 (under deverlopment) :
- intergrate single and dual barcodes multiplexing module
- support windows system
System: Linux
Memmory: 1 Gb or above
Storage: 1 Tb or above
Perl version: 5.16
or above
The script runs on CentOS 7
or other linux systems on a 64Bit machine with Perl 5.26
, for 100Gb data, It will take about 2 hours with 1 Gb memory if final fastqs uncompress.
perl [options]
*-r1 --read1 <string> read1.fq.gz
-r2 --read2 <string> read2.fq.gz if not provided, it will be SE
-e --errNum <int> mismatch number [default: 2 for PE, 1 for SE]
*-f --firstCycle <int> First cylce of barcode
*-b --barcodeList <string> barcodes list
-rc --revcom <Y|N> generate reverse complement of barcode.list or not [default: Y]
-c --compress <Y|N> compress(.gz) output or not [default: Y]
-o --outdir <string> output directory [default: ./]
-h --help print help information and exit
means parameter must be provided.- the default mismatch value is 2.
- the default output directory is
. - the fastq will be compressed in .gz format when
-c Y
has been set and
after split process finished.
perl -r1 read1.fq.gz -r2 read2.fq.gz -e 1 -f 101 -b barcode.list -r N -o /path/outdir -c Y
Please make sure the first cycle number of barcode correctly.
Only barcode name and barcode sequence need, seperated by tab
or space
barcode will miss if lane starts with #
, for example: #96 ATGATCTAGC
The default barcode sequence is a reverse complement of sequence between first cycle and last cycle in Read_2 fastq file. If not, set parameter -rc N
for example:
if one read from read2 fastq is:
the barcode sequence in read 2 is TCATTCCAAC,
the read can be splited perfectly when the barcode provided is GTTGGAATGA or TCATTCCAAC
There are several types of file generated after script finished:
- barcode_1.fq(.gz), barcode_2.fq(.gz)
- BarcodeStat.txt
- TagStat.txt
The format of fastq name is:
Chipname_lane_barcode_1.fq.gz :
Chipname_lane_barcode_2.fq.gz :V300000000_L01_2.fq.gz
Chip name and lane name are captured from the read1.fq.gz.
Also there is a couple of fastq named undecoded_1.fq.gz
and undecoded_2.fq.gz
, to keep reads which don't contain any barcode sequence.
BarcodeStat.txt counts the reads number and barcode split ratio of different barcode separately. In finally, the Total lane calculate the total reads number and ratio.
The format of BarcodeStat.txt
#SpeciesNO Correct Corrected Total Pct
1 95327109 4112238 99439347 19.2152%
2 93797238 6267736 100064974 19.3361%
Total 468560368 27305422 495865790 95.8187%
column | name | description |
1 | SpeciesNO | barcode name |
2 | Correct | the number of reads without mismatch |
3 | Corrected | the number of reads within mismatch value |
4 | Total | Correct and Corrected reads number |
5 | Pct | percentage |
Tag means a short sequence locate between the first cylce and last cycle on Read 2 fastq. TagStat.txt exhibit all tag number and percentage.
The format of TagStat.txt is:
#Tag SpeciesNO readCount Pct
ATGCATCTAA 1 99439347 19.2152%
ATGATCTAGC unknow 200 0.0000%
column | name | description |
1 | #Tag | tag sequence |
2 | SpeciesNO | barcode name or unknow |
3 | readCount | reads number |
4 | Pct | percentage |