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Releases: bhugh/ElegantAnalog-Watchface

Elegant Ana V3.1 release

18 Jan 01:13
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Several improvements to display for various devices, new settings/menu system that saves much memory, and tally marks on each activity/steps/move line to help identify them.

Added around 50 new devices, plus the original Instinct models. Also, the new Instinct 3 and Instinct E models @ V3.01

Elegant Ana V3.01

11 Jan 22:01
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Minor tweak to V3.0

Elegant Ana V3.0

11 Jan 11:10
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This release adds a number of watches, including all the new Instinct 3 watches as well as the Fenix, Forerunner, Descent, Enduro, and Epix watches that are capable of running this Watchface and operating the continual moving second hand.

You can install to your watch using the attached .iq file if you know how, but it is easier to install from the Garmin IQ Store.