Shellpack Joyride is a terminal-based Python game, inspired from Jetpack Joyride.
- Launch the game
- Objective of the game is to defeat the enemy within the given time(40 seconds) and within the limited number of lives(6).
- Use w,a,d for Movement.(w - moving up, a - moving left, d - moving right )
- Use s to shoot bullets at obstacles and the enemy.
- Use spacebar to activate shield around the player.Note that this will last for just 10 seconds, and can be used again only after a gap of 40 seconds after use.
- Use q to quit the game.
- The game involves OOPS concepts (Abstraction,Inheritance,Polymorphism and Encapsulation).
- The game consists of several obstacles in the form of firebeams and magnets, which need to be overcome.
- Powerups to speed up the game and also to change from normal player mode to Dragon-mode have been included.
- The enemy dragon replicates the movement of the player along the y-axis,while constantly firing ice-balls at it.
- Keep collecting coins along the way
- Destroy firebeams, collect powerups.
- Win the game by killing the enemy dragon using bullets
- Wait for the final message from none other than Master Yoda.
- Python3
- Colorama
- Pygame (Only for background music)