137 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Container util: remove C++20 std algorithms by @sprunk in #1671
- allocate table by @loveridge in #1633
- backport __pairs metamethod to our tweaked version of Lua by @ChrisFloofyKitsune in #1615
- Drop library directories from install by @p2004a in #1688
- Make portable install default and set dirs correctly by @p2004a in #1689
- CMake Cleanups by @p2004a in #1696
- Fix scar TTL tags by @sprunk in #1476
- Remove unused vector
by @rhys-vdw in #1717 string::find == 0
by @sprunk in #1716- Publish site docs from master by @sprunk in #1709
- Port fix to sol's optional::emplace for clang++ 19 by @p2004a in #1715
- Fix #709, cleanup old docs by @sprunk in #1708
- Add float3::GetNormalized by @sprunk in #1705
- Expand the CEG operators article by @sprunk in #1699
- Add reclaimer to unitdestroyed by @keelefi in #1669
- Delete Buildbot by @12345swordy in #1666
- Fix numBounce -1 not being unlimited by @sprunk in #1658
- Implement Normalize_Vector by @12345swordy in #1642
- Remove unused lua functions by @12345swordy in #1664
- setcameratarget must change camera controller by @loveridge in #1645
- Add a named constant for 1/GAME_SPEED by @sprunk in #1595
- allow streaming small sound file by @dzosz in #1576
- Fix #1647, add some docs to Lua API by @sprunk in #1648
- use futex directly instead of via syscall on OpenBSD by @rfht in #1621
- Add weapon def tag,
by @sprunk in #1581 - Remove singletons from audio stream by @dzosz in #857
- Check quadfield size modrule properly by @sprunk in #1587
- Add booleans for the different phases of DrawWorldPreParticles callin by @loveridge in #1570
- Add
for stale collisions by @sprunk in #1021 - Apply the #1595 change to code from #1581 by @sprunk in #1721
- Remove slimsig lig, replace SDL event handling with a simple loop, fix RML input handlers piling up on game reloads by @lhog in #1719
- Add new Docker based build system by @p2004a in #1730
- update README branch reference by @n-morales in #1734
- Fix saving state after /iconshidewithui by @saurtron in #1743
- Restore missing
by @sprunk in #1735 - fix bugger off issues by @lostsquirrel1 in #1694
- Add UnitConstructionDecayed call-in by @keelefi in #1631
- Fix #1552 by @lhog in #1603
- Implement animated flipbook style textures for weapon projectiles. by @lhog in #1617
- Save and restore metalMap. by @saurtron in #1745
- Fix Game.cpp two draws per minute when minimized. by @saurtron in #1741
- Give game mechanics lower weapon def IDs by @sprunk in #1720
- Remove bitops.h and replace with C++20 by @sprunk in #1331
- NPOT and float textures are now mandatory. It's not 2008 anymore. by @lhog in #1747
- Don't assert on external data by @sprunk in #1560
- Adding name constants for LuaSyncedCtrl.cpp and LuaSyncedRead.cpp by @12345swordy in #1541
- Look up water level instead of hard coding 0 by @Jordan-Cottle in #1484
- Modrule reading: set defaults consistently internally by @sprunk in #1588
- End game graph/log scale by @John-194 in #1368
- Don't warn for unlinked
calls by @sprunk in #1352 - Check if synced RNG calls are executed in SYNCED_CODE by @lhog in #1455
- implement lua unit script multi-calls by @loveridge in #1527
- Dolly camera by @loveridge in #1649
- Add Windows build script by @wu1274704958 in #1524
- Minimum camera zoom distance for spring and overhead cameras by @loveridge in #1569
- camera handler must remove observer on kill by @loveridge in #1750
- Use cmake import targets part 1 by @n-morales in #1737
- add stringify functions to vector and matrix by @loveridge in #1748
- Remove
weapon def by @sprunk in #1467 - Add new 'm' character to texture options, which disables trilinear filtering by @Beherith in #1218
- Maybe fix #1756 by @sprunk in #1757
- Another attempt at #1756 by @sprunk in #1759
- update dockerfile installed cmake version to 3.27 by @n-morales in #1763
- Bump cmake version to 3.27 and fix headless linking to GLEW by @n-morales in #1762
- Add sample shading for MSAA (better quality) by @bcdrme in #1765
- dollycam should respect the los when tracking units by @loveridge in #1767
- Migrate DebugColVol drawing to modern GL by @lhog in #1768
- force RMLUI_TRACY_CONFIGURATION to fix generate issues with tracy by @n-morales in #1773
- Fix linux fontconfig by @saurtron in #1771
- Take radar error into account inside SelectCircleUnits. by @saurtron in #1753
- Out of map orders leniency by @saurtron in #1769
- Should not GuiTraceRay for quads beyond the floor until the far plane. by @saurtron in #1754
- time spring dampened transition mode would erroneously rotate when changing camera controllers by @loveridge in #1780
- fix switching from rot camera to ta camera by @loveridge in #1784
- Switch over to WinAPI to get the date of file modification. by @lhog in #1788
- ArchiveScanner Improvements by @lhog in #1792
- Fix crash related to not found glyphs. by @saurtron in #1789
- Fix GuiTraceRay for radardrift by @saurtron in #1764
- Fix FileSystemAbstraction::IsPathOnSpinningDisk on Linux by @lhog in #1795
- Add misc.windChangeReportPeriod (in seconds) modrule... by @lhog in #1712
- Add /debugquadfield to draw quadfield related information (v2). by @saurtron in #1794
- Fix units failing to adjust to terrain slope when not turning. by @lostsquirrel1 in #1797
- Annotate our NIH flat_set for the future by @sprunk in #1791
- Another take on archive scanning splash screen by @lhog in #1798
- Fontconfig: Make init and teardown more robust. by @saurtron in #1793
by @sprunk in #1803- allow skipping the factory move command insertion by @loveridge in #1539
- Fontconfig windows workaround v2 by @saurtron in #1809
- Allow negative index at GetUnitCurrentCommand to index from queue end. by @saurtron in #1813
- Stablize sorts used by path finders by @lostsquirrel1 in #1805
- Don't preload glyphs for non-alphanumeric fonts. by @saurtron in #1806
- Apply radar error to lua spatial queries. by @saurtron in #1811
- Add Spring.GetUnitCommandCount for getting a units command queue count. by @saurtron in #1814
- Tracy zones2 Add further once-per-frame zones, colorize top-level zones consistently by @Beherith in #1198
- Fallback fonts with atlas clearing. by @saurtron in #1790
- RmlUI Context handling improvements by @ChrisFloofyKitsune in #1761
- Add
by @sprunk in #1651 - Add trace ray ground Lua functions by @sprunk in #1706
- Get rid of
by @sprunk in #1729 - Dollycam zero transition time by @loveridge in #1838
- Reduce copy-paste in skirmish AI resource interface implementation by @sprunk in #1325
- Tooltip resource packs + layout tweak by @sprunk in #1328
- Make Cannon respect srcPos on HaveFreeLineOfFire. by @saurtron in #1852
- Add Spring.SetProjectileTimeToLive. by @saurtron in #1858
- Fix
by @sprunk in #1860 - Preparation for the release by @lhog in #1861
New Contributors
- @rhys-vdw made their first contribution in #1717
- @Jordan-Cottle made their first contribution in #1484
- @John-194 made their first contribution in #1368
- @wu1274704958 made their first contribution in #1524
- @bcdrme made their first contribution in #1765
Full Changelog: spring_bar_{BAR105}105.1.1-2590-gb9462a0...2025.01.6