This is Jake Archibald's (@jaffathecake) Git Convenience, with one simple change: n00bs, and others, might not want Git Pull to use --rebase (I tried reading about it, really I did - and I almost get it - but for now, I want the lazytimes without wrapping my head around using --rebase day-to-day ).
I've also added the 'gwut' command, to print a list of the Git Convenience commands and symbols used at prompt - this may not work on everything as it relies on bash (I'm new...)
Git out-of-the-box isn't your best friend, git-convenience pulls together a few tools that make it that little bit more friendly. You get:
- Tab auto-completion
- A more useful command prompt
- Shortcuts to common operations
Works on OSX, Linux & Windows git-bash.
Trial it in your current terminal session:
eval "$(curl -L trial"
If it works for you, have it in all your terminals:
eval "$(curl -L"
- List all Git Convenience commands and prompt
- git statusgaa
- git add --all - Add all changes (including untracto staginggc "Message"
- Commit all changes (except untracked) messagegoops
- Add changes to previous commit & edit comessagegp
- Pull then push - does not use --rebase (read 'About this fork')gup
- Pull (not via --rebase - see 'About this fork')glog
- Decorated & graphed loggdiff
- A word-diff of changesgclean
- Compress & garbage collect data store
If you've installed the wonderful git-up (which you should), it'll be used instead of git pull
The prompt shows the current branch & among other helpful things:
- Uncommitted changes+
- Staged changes%
- Untracked files<
- You're behind the origin>
- You're ahead of the origin<>
- You've diverged from the origin=
- You're up-to-date with the origin
- Jake's Original Git Convenience - The original source, with rebasey goodness.
- git-up - A brilliant tool for syncing branches
- git completion - The scripts used for the prompt & tab completion