curl -sSL | python3 -
Add poetry to your PATH / Umgebungsvariablen
Test if it's working
poetry --version
- Windows need gitbash and pagent
- Linux is ready to go
eval $("ssh-agent")
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
ssh-add .ssh/<your_key_name>
Put the public key located in .ssh
folder into your gitlab acc
Use the gui of pagent
git clone [email protected]:00000000014A71A4/predictprotein1_solubility.git
navigate into the folder with the project.toml
poetry update
- Use typing for methods and arguments
- Use keyword arguments when calling methods
- Please use ssh key and git commit / push
- use the os module when dealing with paths to make it complatible with windows/linux
- add docstrings and comments
- create branches for possibly breaking changes