Intelligent Data Exploration & Analysis System For Earth Observations.
A python module to extract, read, analyze and visualize Earth Observations Products (such as MODIS MYD06)
Step 1:
Clone the project on your local machine:
Step 2:
Edit the config.json file: enter your NASA laads_daac_token and enter the directory path where the files will be downloaded, for example:
"nasa_laads_daac_token": "Ym1hcmNoYW50OlltVnVhbUZ0YVc0dWJXRnlZMmhoYm5SQWJtRnpZUzVuYjNZPToxNjI0NzE3MjEwOjEwZmNhNWU4ODVlNzc3OGUyMzE3NzFkZjNmNjUwMGIzNjVhMDY4ZWY",
"media_path": "/Users/Toto/Desktop/media/files"
Step 3: enter in your terminal:
export PYTHONPATH="/Users/mb/Desktop/mb_root/github"
where /Users/mb/Desktop/mb_root/github is the path to IDEAS4EO module
Step 4: start to use it:
jupyter notebook