CI #147
GitHub Actions / Tests Results (9.x, 20.x, ubuntu-latest)
Dec 22, 2024 in 0s
41 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ reports/tests.xml
41 tests were completed in 398ms with 41 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Mocha Tests | 41✅ | 398ms |
✅ Mocha Tests
dprint/dockerfile valid
✅ FROM ubuntu:latest
✅ FROM ubuntu:latest\u000d
✅ Unknown language file
dprint/dockerfile invalid
✅ FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY--chown=user:use test.txt /dir/\u000d
✅ FROM ubuntu:latest
ENV TEST equality
dprint/json valid
✅ { "hello": "world" } // comment
✅ { "hello": "world" } //comment
✅ Unknown language file
dprint/json invalid
✅ {
"hello": "world"} //comment
✅ {
"hello": "world"
dprint-plugin-malva valid
✅ .test {
color: #ff0000;
✅ .test {
color: #f00;
✅ .test {
color: #ff0000;
✅ .test
color: #ff0000
✅ .test {
color: #FF0000;
✅ Unknown language file
dprint-plugin-malva invalid
✅ .test { color: #f00; }
dprint-plugin-markup valid
✅ <html></html>
✅ <html>
✅ <html>
✅ Unknown language file
dprint-plugin-markup invalid
✅ <html>
<head> </head></html>
dprint/markdown valid
✅ **STRONG**
✅ __STRONG__
✅ Unknown language file
dprint/markdown invalid
✅ # Title
✅ __STRONG__
dprint/toml valid
✅ [hello]
who = "World" # comment
✅ [hello]
who = "World" #comment
✅ Unknown language file
dprint/toml invalid
✅ [hello]
who ="World" #comment
dprint/typescript valid
✅ console.log("hello!");
✅ console.log('hello!');
✅ Unknown language file
dprint/typescript invalid
✅ console . log('hello!')
✅ type TypeScriptPlugin =
typeof import("dprint-plugin-typescript").TypeScriptPlugin;
✅ type TypeScriptPlugin = typeof import("dprint-plugin-typescript").TypeScriptPlugin;
✅ console.log("hello!");;;
✅ type TFormatFileText =
typeof import("@dprint/core").formatText;
✅ const loc = d.type === "added" ?
sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[0]) :
start: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[0]),
end: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[1]),
✅ const loc = d.type === "added"
? sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[0])
: {
start: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[0]),
end: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(d.range[1]),