ATTENTION: Use at your own risk! Tested with Vim 7.4 and newer.
Some of the installed plugins require ruby to be installed and available in your $PATH.
If you want to use the distraction free writing mode (Control-F10), you also need the Cousine font.
Use the following code to grep the repo and symlink it.
$ git clone --recursive ~/.vim && ln -fs ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
into your home directory, create a backup of your .vim folder and your .vimrc file, checkout the repository.
$ cd ~
$ mv .vim .vim_backup
$ mv .vimrc .vimrc_backup
$ git clone .vim
- Initialize git submodules.
$ cd ~/.vim
$ git submodule update --init
- Create a symlink to the vimrc file in the .vim folder.
$ ln -fs ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
- Restart (G)Vim.