An Elixir library for the Discord API.
It is highly recommended to check out the documentation first. It includes all of the information listed here and more.
The version of this library hosted on Hex is severely outdated. Once the dependency gun has a 2.0 release, a new package will be released with the most up to date Elixir version (1.6.4 as of the time of this writing).
In the meantime it is recommended you use the version hosted on GitHub.
Thanks PixeL!
Add Nostrum as a dependency:
def deps do
[{:nostrum, git: ""}]
Stable documentation can be found here
def deps do
[{:nostrum, "~> 0.1"}]
Edit or create your config file:
The file should be located at /config/config.exs
. To run Nostrum you need the
following two fields:
config :nostrum,
token: 666, # The token of your bot as a string
num_shards: 2 # The number of shards you want to run your bot under, or :auto.
For more information about the differences between dev and stable as well as additional config parameters, please see the documentation.
The below module needs to be started in some fashion to capture events. See here for a full example.
defmodule ExampleConsumer do
use Nostrum.Consumer
alias Nostrum.Api
def start_link do
def handle_event({:MESSAGE_CREATE, {msg}, _ws_state}) do
case msg.content do
"ping!" ->
Api.create_message(msg.channel_id, "I copy and pasted this code")
_ ->
# Default event handler, if you don't include this, your consumer WILL crash if
# you don't have a method definition for each event type.
def handle_event(_event) do
Although it's recommended to run under a supervisor, you could start it from iex
iex()> ExampleConsumer.start
{:ok, #PID<0.208.0>}