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JS Components

Nick Haskins edited this page Nov 27, 2013 · 9 revisions

Soren has quite a few JS libraries already loaded. All you need to do in most cases is instantiate the script.

Page Fader

By default any nav element within soren_push_nav() will automatically be loaded with the page fade effects. To utilize the effect add .soren-fader to any anchor element (must be outbound).


Instantiate Waypoints by following the docs on their site.


Currently this is for images only. Instantiate like this:

    speed: 0.15

Set the image as a background in a div, then use the following CSS:

background-position: center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;

Scroll Nav

Soren loads Scroll Nav. Follow the docs on their site to instantiate, and style.


Soren loads Swipebox. Pass rel="my-group" on an anchor links to run in a set, and link the anchor to the image. Then add .swipebox class to anchor, and call the script like so:



Bootstrap modal.js is loaded by default. Call this plugin to use it following BS docs.

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