This is a python only robot solver with bumpers, optional silver robot, new robot and periodic board boundaries.
- Python 3.6+
- wxPython 4+
Should run with Anaconda python distro with conda install wxpython
Launch the program with: python
- Random Seed (int)
- Periodic Boundaries (0 or 1)
- Number of Robots (4 or 5)
- Boards like (B3,R1,G4,Y3)
python 42 1 5 B3,R1,G4,Y3
To move a robot, select one by color and then use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
- R - Red
- G - Green
- B - Blue
- Y - Yellow
- L - Silver
Other program controls are listed below.
- N - Next Token
- S - Solve
- U - Undo
- Esc - Quit