This Pentaho Cassandra Plugin Project provides support for the Cassandra 3.x with DataStax driver It is a plugin for the Pentaho Kettle engine which can be used within Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle), Pentaho Reporting, and the Pentaho BI Platform.
This plugin is based on
I adapt it to be compatible with PDI 6.x and build it this ant.
I added :
- Management of null values in output steps (Not inserting null with dynamic INSERT statements)
- Management of all CQL datatypes
$ git clone git://
$ cd pentaho-cassandra-plugin
$ ant
This will produce a plugin archive in dist/pentaho-cassandra-plugin-${project.revision}.tar.gz (and .zip). This archive can then be extracted into your Pentaho Data Integration plugin directory replacing the existing one.
Tested on Pentaho Data Integration 6.1
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for more information.