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chore(deps): update github actions all dependencies #35

chore(deps): update github actions all dependencies

chore(deps): update github actions all dependencies #35

Workflow file for this run

# name: .Tests
# on:
# workflow_call:
# inputs:
# ### Required
# target:
# description: PR number, test or prod
# required: true
# type: string
# ### Typical / recommended
# triggers:
# description: Bash array to diff for build triggering; omit to always fire
# required: false
# type: string
# env:
# PREFIX: ${{ }}-${{ }}
# jobs:
# integration-tests:
# name: Integration
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# timeout-minutes: 1
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - id: cache-npm
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: ~/.npm
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-cache-node-modules-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-build-cache-node-modules-
# ${{ runner.os }}-build-
# ${{ runner.os }}-
# - env:
# API_NAME: nest
# BASE_URL: https://${{ }}-${{ }}-frontend.${{ env.DOMAIN }}
# run: |
# cd tests/integration
# npm ci
# node src/main.js
# e2e-tests:
# name: E2E
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: frontend
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# timeout-minutes: 5
# strategy:
# matrix:
# project: [ chromium, Google Chrome, firefox, safari, Microsoft Edge ]
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# name: Checkout
# - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
# name: Setup Node
# with:
# node-version: 20
# cache: 'npm'
# cache-dependency-path: frontend/package-lock.json
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: |
# npm ci
# npx playwright install --with-deps
# - name: Run Tests
# env:
# E2E_BASE_URL: https://${{ }}-${{ }}-frontend.${{ env.DOMAIN }}/
# CI: 'true'
# run: |
# npx playwright test --project="${{ matrix.project }}" --reporter=html
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
# name: upload results
# with:
# name: playwright-report-${{ matrix.project }}
# path: "./frontend/playwright-report" # path from current folder
# retention-days: 7
# load-tests:
# name: Load
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# strategy:
# matrix:
# name: [backend, frontend]
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - uses: grafana/[email protected]
# env:
# BACKEND_URL: https://${{ env.PREFIX }}-frontend.${{ env.DOMAIN }}/api
# FRONTEND_URL: https://${{ env.PREFIX }}-frontend.${{ env.DOMAIN }}
# with:
# filename: ./tests/load/${{ }}-test.js
# flags: --vus 10 --duration 30s