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Testing the client under source{d} Engine

Juanjo Alvarez Martinez edited this page Oct 25, 2017 · 1 revision
  • Create a local jar of the Scala client (./sbt assembly and the jar will be under the build/ directory).
  • Clone
  • Edit the file engine/project/Dependencies.scala, comment the line of the client-scala dependency and replace it with the local path to your jar, like:
  //lazy val bblfsh = "org.bblfsh" % "bblfsh-client" % "1.3.3"
  lazy val bblfsh = "org.bblfsh" % "bblfsh-client" % "1.3.3" from "file:///home/mydir/client-scala/build/bblfsh-client-assembly-1.3.3.jar"
  • On the Engine's directory, run:
./sbt clean
make docker-build
make docker-run
  • Open the URL that is show at the end of the process in your browser, it will open a Jupyter notebook page.
  • Open the example notebook.
  • Run the first and the last three cells. Change the content if you want.
  • If everything worked, it should show at a table in the next notebook cell. If not, errors will be shown in the console.
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