Anatomy-guided Multimodal Registration by Learning Segmentation without Ground Truth: Application to Intraprocedural CBCT/MR Liver Segmentation and Registration
Bo Zhou, Zachary Augenfeld, Julius Chapiro, S. Kevin Zhou, Chi Liu, James S. Duncan
Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), 2021
This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of APA2Seg-Net.
If you use this code for your research or project, please cite:
title={Anatomy-guided Multimodal Registration by Learning Segmentation without Ground Truth: Application to Intraprocedural CBCT/MR Liver Segmentation and Registration},
author={Zhou, Bo and Augenfeld, Zachary and Chapiro, Julius and Zhou, S Kevin and Liu, Chi and Duncan, James S},
journal={Medical Image Analysis},
- Python 3.7
- Pytorch 1.4.0
- scipy
- scikit-image
- pillow
- itertools
Our code has been tested with Python 3.7, Pytorch 1.4.0, CUDA 10.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.
preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/ # data setup for MRI segmentation (target domain) from CT (source domain)
├── train_MRI.txt
├── train_DCT.txt
├── test_MRI.txt
├── DCT # contain CT training data (index by train_DCT.txt)
│ ├── IMG_CT_1.png
│ ├── IMG_CT_1_mask.png
│ ├── IMG_CT_2.png
│ ├── IMG_CT_2_mask.png
│ ├── ...
│ ├── IMG_CT_N.png
│ └── IMG_CT_N_mask.png
├── MRI # contain both MRI training and testing data (index by train_MRI.txt and test_MRI.txt)
│ ├── IMG_MRI_1.png
│ ├── IMG_MRI_1_mask.png
│ ├── IMG_MRI_2.png
│ ├── IMG_MRI_2_mask.png
│ ├── ...
│ ├── IMG_MRI_M.png
│ └── IMG_MRI_M_mask.png
train_MRI.txt contains the .png file names with content of
train_DCT.txt contains the .png file names with content of
test_MRI.txt contains the .png file names with content of
IMG_CT_N.png is a 2D image and IMG_CT_N_mask.png is its segmentation.
For training, please specify the training data directory in the code options using:
provides the domain A image data folder directory. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ .
provides the domain A image's segmentation data folder directory. It should be identical to above, which is ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ .
provides the directory of .txt file containing domain A's image file names. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_DCT.txt .
provides the domain B image data folder directory. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ .
provides the domain B image's segmentation data folder directory. It should be identical to above, which is ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ .
provides the directory of .txt file containing domain B's image file names. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_MRI.txt .
For testing, please specify the test data directory in the code options using:
provides the domain B test image data folder directory. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ .
provides the directory of .txt file containing domain B's test image file names. In MRI segmentation example, it should be ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/test_MRI.txt .
provides the prediction output directory.
- Train the model
python \
--name experiment_apada2seg \
--raw_A_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ \
--raw_A_seg_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ \
--raw_B_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ \
--sub_list_A ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_DCT.txt \
--sub_list_B ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_MRI.txt \
--batchSize 2 \
--angle 15 \
--model apada2seg_model_train \
--which_model_netS duseunet \
--pool_size 50 \
--no_dropout \
--apada2seg_run_model Train \
--dataset_mode apada2seg_train \
--input_nc 1 \
--output_nc 1 \
--output_nc_seg 2 \
--seg_norm DiceNorm \
--lambda_cc 0.1 \
--lambda_mind 0.1 \
--checkpoints_dir ./Checkpoints/MRI/ \
--display_id 0
defines the weights parameter for CC loss.
defines the weights parameter for MIND loss.
Other hyperparameters can be adjusted in the code as well.
- Test the model
python \
--name experiment_apada2seg \
--raw_A_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ \
--raw_A_seg_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/DCT/ \
--raw_B_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ \
--sub_list_A ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_DCT.txt \
--sub_list_B ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/train_MRI.txt \
--batchSize 1 \
--model apada2seg_model_test \
--which_model_netS duseunet \
--pool_size 50 \
--no_dropout \
--apada2seg_run_model TestSeg \
--dataset_mode apada2seg_test \
--input_nc 1 \
--seg_norm DiceNorm \
--output_nc 1 \
--output_nc_seg 2 \
--test_B_dir ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/MRI/ \
--test_img_list_file ./preprocess/MRI_SEG/PROC/test_MRI.txt \
--test_seg_output_dir ./Output/MRI/experiment_apada2seg \
--checkpoints_dir ./Checkpoints/MRI/ \
--which_epoch_S 10
Sample training/test scripts are provided under './scripts/' and can be directly executed.
Please refer to the Yale BioImage Suite (Command Line Version) for implementation of our registeration pipeline. [BIS Link]
If you have any question, please file an issue or contact the author:
Bo Zhou: [email protected]