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Add format downgrade script
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This script downgrades Bitcask data files to the format used before
version 1.7.0 (to ship in Riak 2.0).  In that version, a more compact
encoding is used for key values, and also 2 new types of tombstones are
  • Loading branch information
engelsanchez committed Aug 29, 2014
1 parent ad5a03a commit 56ec897
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions priv/scripts/downgrade_bitcask.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
% Run this script to downgrade Bitcask files from the format
% introduced in Riak 2.0 to the format used in Riak 1.4
% Run it by calling escript on it and pointing it to a data
% directory after stopping the Riak node.
% The script will recursively find all Bitcask files under that
% directory and reformat them.
% $ escript downgrade_bitcask.erl /my/riak/data/bitcask

-define(HEADER_SIZE, 14).
-record(entry, { crc, tstamp, keysz, valsz, key, val}).

main([DataDir]) ->

maybe_downgrade_file(F) ->
is_bitcask_file(F) andalso downgrade_file(F).

downgrade_if_dir(Dir) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
true ->
false ->

downgrade_dir(Dir) ->
{ok, Children0} = file:list_dir(Dir),
Children = [filename:join(Dir, Child) || Child <- Children0],
case is_bitcask_dir(Dir) of
false ->
[downgrade_if_dir(Child) || Child <- Children];
true ->
[maybe_downgrade_file(Child) || Child <- Children]

is_bitcask_file(Filename0) ->
Filename = filename:basename(Filename0),
Match = re:run(Filename, "^\\d+\\.bitcask\\.data$"),
nomatch =/= Match.

is_bitcask_dir(Dir) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
false ->
true ->
{ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
lists:any(fun is_bitcask_file/1, Files)

read_entry(F) ->
case file:read(F, ?HEADER_SIZE) of
{ok, <<CRC:32,Tstamp:32,KeySz:16,ValueSz:32>>} ->
case file:read(F, KeySz+ValueSz) of
{ok, <<Key:KeySz/bytes, Value:ValueSz/bytes>>} ->
% io:format("K: ~p, V: ~p\n", [Key, Value]),
{ok, #entry{crc=CRC, tstamp=Tstamp, keysz=KeySz, valsz=ValueSz,
key=Key, val=Value}};
_ ->
eof ->
_ ->
io:format("Error reading entry\n"),

downgrade_file(F) ->
Dir = filename:dirname(F),
NewF = F ++ ".new",
HintFile = filename:join(Dir, filename:basename(F, ".data")++".hint"),
NewHF = HintFile ++ ".new",
io:format("Downgrading file ~s\n", [F]),
{ok, Fi} = file:open(F, [read, raw, binary]),
{ok, Fo} = file:open(NewF, [write, raw, binary]),
{ok, Fh} = file:open(NewHF, [write, raw, binary]),
ok = convert_file(Fi, Fo, Fh, 0, 0, fun tx_pre_20/1),
ok = file:close(Fi),
ok = file:close(Fo),
ok = file:close(Fh),
HintBak = HintFile ++ ".bak",
FBak = F ++ ".bak",
ok = file:rename(HintFile, HintBak),
ok = file:rename(F, FBak),
ok = file:rename(NewF, F),
ok = file:rename(NewHF, HintFile),
ok = file:delete(HintBak),
ok = file:delete(FBak),

convert_file(Fi, Fo, Fh, Ofs, Crc, Tx) ->
case read_entry(Fi) of
{ok, Entry} ->
NewEntry = Tx(Entry),
Sz = write_entry(Fo, NewEntry),
NewCrc = write_hint_entry(Fh, Ofs, Sz, Crc, NewEntry),
convert_file(Fi, Fo, Fh, Ofs+Sz, NewCrc, Tx);
eof ->
write_hint_entry(Fh, 16#ffffFFFFffffFFFF, Crc, 0,
#entry{key= <<>>, tstamp=0}),
% io:format("Finished reading file\n", []),
_ ->
io:format(standard_error, "Error reading file\n", []),

write_hint_entry(F, Ofs, Sz, Crc, #entry{key=Key, tstamp=Tstamp}) ->
KeySz = size(Key),
Hint = [<<Tstamp:32, KeySz:16, Sz:32, Ofs:64>>, Key],
ok = file:write(F, Hint),
erlang:crc32(Crc, Hint).

write_entry(F, #entry {key=Key, val=Value, tstamp=Tstamp}) ->
KeySz = size(Key),
ValueSz = size(Value),
Bytes0 = [<<Tstamp:32>>, <<KeySz:16>>, <<ValueSz:32>>, Key, Value],
Bytes = [<<(erlang:crc32(Bytes0)):32>> | Bytes0],
ok = file:write(F, Bytes),

tx_pre_20(Entry =
#entry{key= <<2, BucketSz:16, Bucket:BucketSz/binary,
Key/binary>>}) ->
OldKey=term_to_binary({Bucket, Key}),
% io:format("Converted B/K ~s/~s\n", [Bucket, Key]),
tx_pre_20(Entry#entry{key=OldKey, keysz=size(OldKey)});
#entry{val= <<"bitcask_tombstone2", _/binary>>}) ->
NewVal = <<"bitcask_tombstone">>,
Entry#entry{val=NewVal, valsz=size(NewVal)};
tx_pre_20(Entry) ->

6 comments on commit 56ec897

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@borshop borshop commented on 56ec897 Sep 2, 2014

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merging basho/bitcask/feature/add-downgrade-script = 56ec897 into borshop-integration-184-feature/add-downgrade-script

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@borshop borshop commented on 56ec897 Sep 2, 2014

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saw approval from aberghage
at 56ec897

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@borshop borshop commented on 56ec897 Sep 2, 2014

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basho/bitcask/feature/add-downgrade-script = 56ec897 merged ok, testing candidate = de15411

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@borshop borshop commented on 56ec897 Sep 2, 2014

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@borshop borshop commented on 56ec897 Sep 2, 2014

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fast-forwarding develop to borshop-integration-184-feature/add-downgrade-script = de15411

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