- copy all code per experiment
for strategy planning:
- let network propose N solutions, trajectories, then do search on them
R-CNN/ YOLO/ Selective Search:
- Generate initial sub-segmentation, we generate many candidate regions
- Use greedy algorithm to recursively combine similar regions into larger ones
- Use the generated regions to produce the final candidate region proposals
todo: experimente mit parameter vor ausfuehrung kopieren speichern
another split of networks:
- explicit do/nothing + buildings + positions (one for each building) ?
- next step: one for each building
- agents fuer strategie, die kollaborativ entscheiden was zu tun
- eine ki fuer rohstoffe, eine fuer militaer, decision making
- einen (paar) schritt in die zukunft simulieren/ projective simulation
check training of dqn
adjust score: cutting wood from distane = more score!
check verlauf von predictions tensorboard
log von loss scheint kaputt
battling agents
iterated score function learning including coord models
- alternate action/coord model training, only train, if other one produced useful predictions
replay buffer/ target network -> careful with loss etc -> need last n states -> encode memory later to do better planning!
annealing of random/ best player moves
build proper architecture s.t. new building can be integrated -> split every (sub-) task, do a "model-distributed" normalisation of values s.t. they can be comparable -> only least possible should be retrained -> prioritized experience buffer paper
difficulty with similar states -> highlight somehow discrimitive difference? reward clipping dqn is reactive -> need sth for more reward? he says more data efficient methods now!!
use double dqn afterwards! need sth with long term rewards
dueling network architectures for deep rl paper
icm for inverse action selection paper
exploration : noisy nets for exploration paper
target: good memory network, efficient architecture, auto ml-architecture, extendable
attention later for explainability and for focusing decision on what is important
first memory approach: recurrent nets/ transformer
warum braucht das netz die kompletten letzten 4 states, und nicht nur die letzten actions + aktuellen state?
one bayes network with different priors? + UAI for explaining it -> don't just put everything into a number! keep the structure you got!!! primitive discrimiation like ressources/mapping or different actors
introduce text driven reasoning/ decision making (just for fun)
HERE IAM state of art Fall 2017! What happened afterwards?
do Policy iteration
curiosity driven reward function
replay buffer: prioritize "good samples"/ keep equal distribution of most discriminative data
BOHB architecture finding
memory/ strategy/ planning
increase number working ticks for carrier/ woodcutter according to distance
add productivity of buildings
refactor game code
add 'change statistic' e.g. produced wood, buildings etc
use lstm/ transformer
to gameover or not to gameover
implement/ find reasoning/explainable network
should be refactored/ environment?
train 2 network model without old - state (and look at old state)
one network per building -> one network for composition -0 LSTM like convergance
building config should contain production speed etc.
man muss noch iwie nen gewinn kriterium und score festlegen -> fewest ticks/ most ressources left
ui/game/state muessen gut getrennt sein, zum ai spiele generien
game logging/transcript for ai training
carrier and worker (cutter) should take longer for longer distances
refactor everything (i.p. ui, state & factories)
search for settler 2 projects/ graphics
look into pygame
debug/ logging
TODO's in code
delete needs to reduce settlers as well
introduce worker class -> delete frees worker
delete in keys
construction shouldn't be in buildings.json
put score to config
- map contains only forest. buildings: woodcutter, sawmill, barack
- goal: cut off all wood
- get as much bread as possible within x minutes OR
- get fastest x bread
- get as much coins as possible
- every building requires 1 settler
- every settler requires 1 food / X ticks
- every tick, storehouse + base can transport X ressources
- othw: "normal settler" border can be extendes by baracks etc
contains game code
given ai, generates transcriptions of auto-played games
trains ai
- need something hierarchical
- -> ai should eg highlevel learn that woodcutter only makes sense near wood
- compose/ formulate a strategy, then look for moves
- do a hidden state for own reasoning
- learn one-time associations : placing a cutter -> gets associated with nearest wood once.
- placing storehouse -> all get re-associated with nearest.
- distribution epsilon greedy might be shitty?
- TODO: score function nur +1 bei holz gehackt, -1 bei gamover?
- speedup wenn ich jeden state ordentlich reward (produced) geben wuerde!
- diverging scores -> reward scaling/ clipping?
- remodel into agent vs agent game -> just +1 for more score
(- can't continue training - just doesnt produce meaningful new gradients.[is that still happening?])
building a consumable score function was aweful! every hint just became a trap
training runs after 2.5k games
[(<GameEvent.CONSTRUCT_BUILDING: 2>, ((28, 29), 'Sawmill')), None, None, None, (<GameEvent.CONSTRUCT_BUILDING: 2>, ((22, 20), 'Woodcutter')), (<GameEvent.CONSTRUCT_BUILDING: 2>, ((30, 21), 'Woodcutter')), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] [[1.7053597 1.0920347 0.98589194 1.5440711 ] [1.379065 1.3187199 1.4117165 3.152345 ] [1.9823706 1.955113 1.8049877 4.09019 ] [2.622465 2.4414034 2.0406258 4.4875298 ] [1.7825575 5.3060684 4.0746017 4.74598 ]] [[1.6312919 1.0631025 0.97268116 1.4807291 ] [1.2228956 1.0987868 1.2329954 2.5383496 ] [1.8133109 1.7562737 1.6464466 3.5876846 ] [2.819293 2.7076058 2.207342 4.8793874 ] [1.6152792 4.9473386 4.10507 4.5945845 ]]