Key Features • How To Use • Download • Credits • Related • License
- Create, update artists and see result directly in the interface.
- Instantly see what your 3d model look like on the interface.
- Artists management with their tag to filter them.
- Artist's models management with 3d model (not stacked in db but directly in storage of the interface)
- Interface fully responsive
- Upload GLB and GLTF to preview different tatoo made by many artists on the interface.
- Full interface communicate with mariaDB or mySql database
To clone and run this application, you'll need Visual studio 2019 and MySql Installer for visual studio, you also need docker installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
You can after that directly open project in Visual Studio code and build it. Note Don't forget to run the interface which come with a preconfigured locale database created using docker more
This software uses the following open source packages:
Tatoo Library's management software - A Laravel/Vue.js web application which come with fully responsive interface
- My School project - From my first year to my third year.
GitHub @clementfleur Twitter @BartzGame Discord @Bartz#8618