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An open-source project for relaying tunnel messages with cryptographic signatures powered by Bandtss module.


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Disclaimer: This project is still in its early stages of development and is considered a prototype. Please refrain from using it in production.

Falcon is a CLI program designed for smart contract developers to relay data from the Tunnel on BandChain to their target blockchain seamlessly.

Table Of Contents


1. BandChain Client

  • Queries tunnel information.
  • Queries packet data and EVM signatures for verification in the TSS verifier.

2. Chain Provider

Intermediary between the relayer application and the target blockchain. It encapsulates all logic required to interact with a specific type of blockchain, such as Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-based chains, and abstracts the details of blockchain operations like transaction creation, execution, querying, and validation. (At this moment, only EVM chains are supported.)

  • Keys Manipulation
    • Manages key operations such as adding, deleting, listing, and securely storing them.
  • Transaction Creation
    • Constructs calldata for packet relaying.
    • Dynamically calculates gas fees for both EIP-1559 and Legacy transactions.
  • Transaction Execution
    • Signs transactions using keys from the senders pool.
    • Broadcasts transactions to the blockchain.
    • Verifies transaction success with a receipt check.

3. Scheduler

  • Executes tasks for each TunnelRelayer periodically.
  • Penalizes failing tasks with an exponential backoff.
  • Synchronizes with BandChain periodically to ensure that Falcon keeps all tunnels aligned and up-to-date with BandChain.

4. Tunnel Relayer

  • Fetches tunnel information and packet by BandChain Client and Chain Provider
  • Handles the packet relaying process
    • Validates tunnel state (e.g., active status, latest sequence).
    • Fetches unrelayed packets from BandChain.
    • Submit packet to Chain Provider to continue on transaction process.


1. Initialization

  • Initializes Tunnel Relayers
    • Fetches tunnel information from BandChain and target chains.
    • Validates the provider and loads keys into the sender channel.
  • Validates Passphrase
    • Checks if the user-provided passphrase matches the stored hash to ensure security.
  • Starts Scheduler
    • Scheduler manages periodic relaying tasks for all initialized TunnelRelayer instances.

2. Starting Scheduler

The Scheduler starts execution ticker and tunnel synchronization ticker based on the given configuration, and handles penalized tasks resulting from consecutive relay packet failures.

  • Periodic Execution
    • Asynchronously triggers each TunnelRelayer instances to check (3.) and relay (4.) the packet and confirm transaction (5.).
  • Tunnels synchronization
    • Updates tunnel information from BandChain to ensure that Falcon keeps all tunnels aligned and up-to-date with BandChain.
  • Handling penalty task
    • Retries failed tasks after waiting for a penalty duration, which is calculated using exponential backoff.

3. Checking Packets

  • Checks Tunnel State
    • Queries tunnel information from BandChain and the target chain.
    • Validates if the target chain's tunnel is active and ensures sequence consistency.
  • Determine Next Packet
    • Compares the LatestSequence on the BandChain and the target chain.
    • Identifies packets that have not yet been relayed.

4. Relaying Packets

  • Validate Connection
    • Ensures the chain client is connected.
  • Retry Logic
    • Attempts to relay the packet up to max_retry times. If all attempts fail, logs the error and move this task to penalty task.
  • 4.1 Create Transaction

    • Fetch the sender's nonce to ensure transaction order.
    • Calculate Gas Limit by using a pre-configured limit or dynamically estimate it based on transaction parameters.
    • Set Fees by GasPrice for legacy transactions or BaseFee + PriorityFee for EIP-1559 transactions.
  • 4.2 Sign Transaction

    • Sign the transactionby the sender's private key to sign the transaction with the chosen signer
      • EIP155Signer for legacy transactions.
      • LondonSigner for EIP-1559 transactions.
  • 4.3 Broadcast Transaction

    • Send the transaction to the target chain.

5. Confirming Transaction

  • Fetch the transaction receipt and check its status and block confirmations to ensure success.
  • Continuously check the transaction status within a specified duration. If the transaction remains unconfirmed for too long, mark it as unmined and handle it accordingly.
  • If the transaction fails, adjust the gas by using GasMultiplier and retry to relay packet again

Getting Started

Note: This guide assumes that the program runs on a Linux environment.

1. Node Installation

1.1 Node Configuration

  • make, gcc, g++ (can be obtained from the build-essential package on linux)
  • wget, curl for downloading files
# install required tools
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get upgrade -y && \
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl wget jq
  • Install Go 1.22.3
# Install Go 1.22.3
tar xf go1.22.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local/go

# Set Go path to $PATH variable
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> $HOME/.profile
source ~/.profile

Go binary should be at /usr/local/go/bin and any executable compiled by go install command should be at ~/go/bin

1.2: Clone & Install Falcon

cd ~
# Clone Falcon
git clone
cd falcon

# Install binaries to $GOPATH/bin
make install

2. Set passphrase

In Falcon, the passphrase serves as an encryption key for securing sensitive data.

  • The passphrase can be set in one of the following ways:
    • As an environment variable via a .env file.
    • Passed inline with commands that require it.
      PASSPHRASE=secret falcon ...
  • Some commands require the passphrase to:
    • Validate its correctness when performing operations like managing keys.
    • Initialize and encrypt configuration files for the program.
  • If no passphrase is provided, it defaults to an empty string "".

3. Initialize the configuration directory/file

falcon config init
  • The passphrase will be init after this command, it will become your program's permanent passphrase and cannot be changed. Please check that you set the correct passphrase during this step.

  • Default config directory: ~/.falcon/config

  • By default, config will be initialized in format like this

log_level = 'info'
checking_packet_interval = 60000000000
max_checking_packet_penalty_duration = 3600000000000
penalty_exponential_factor = 1.0

rpc_endpoints = ['http://localhost:26657']
timeout = 3000000000


To customize the config for relaying, you can use custom config file and use the --file flag when initializing the configuration.

falcon config init --file custom_config.toml

4. Configure target chains you want to relay

You need to create a chain configuration file to add it to the configuration. Currently, only EVM chains are supported.

endpoints = ['http://localhost:8545']
chain_type = 'evm'
max_retry = 3
query_timeout = 3000000000
chain_id = 31337
tunnel_router_address = '0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9'
block_confirmation = 5
waiting_tx_duration = 3000000000
checking_tx_interval = 1000000000
gas_type = 'eip1559'
gas_multiplier = 1.1
execute_timeout = 3000000000
liveliness_checking_interval = 900000000000

The supported gas_type values are legacy and eip1559. Each type requires specific configuration fields.

  • legacy
    • max_gas_price defines the maximum gas price.
    • If max_gas_price is not specified, it will be retrieved from the tunnel router.
  • eip1559
    • max_base_fee defines the maximum base fee.
    • max_priority_fee defines the maximum priority fee.
    • If max_priority_fee is not defined, it will also be retrieved from the tunnel router
falcon chains add testnet chain_config.toml

5. Check target chain's activeness

To relay packets to the target chain, you need to ensure that the tunnel on the target chain is active. This can be checked using

falcon query tunnel <TUNNEL_ID>

6. Import OR create new keys to use when signing and relaying transactions.

Please ensure that you are using the correct passphrase that was set during initialization for the add, delete, and export commands.

If you need to generate a new key, use the add subcommand.

falcon keys add testnet testkey

There are 3 options for user to add key

Choose how to add a key
> Private key (provide an existing private key)
  Mnemonic (recover from an existing mnemonic phrase)
  Generate new address (no private key or mnemonic needed)

If you already have a private key and want to retrive key from it, you can choose Private key option.

Enter your private key

If you already have a mnemonic and want to retrive key from it, you can choose Mnemonic option.

Enter your mnemonic

Enter a coin type 
Coin type number for HD derivation (default: 60; leave empty to use default)

Enter an account 
Account number in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)

Enter an index
Index number for the specific address within an account in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)

If you want to generate a new address, choose the Generate new address option.

Enter a coin type 
Coin type number for HD derivation (default: 60; leave empty to use default)

Enter an account 
Account number in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)

Enter an index
Index number for the specific address within an account in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)

7. Check that the keys for the configured chains are funded

You can query the balance of each configured key by running:

falcon q balance testkey

8. Start to relay packet

Starts all tunnels that falcon query tunnels can query

falcon start

NOTE: You can choose which tunnels do you want to relay.

falcon start 1 2 3


An open-source project for relaying tunnel messages with cryptographic signatures powered by Bandtss module.



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