Users can use the site to keep track of people they have lent their books to.
- Users can signup, login and logout
- Allows users to create a new book with title and book cover(url)
- User can view book details or delete them
- User has the option to search the books lent to a specific person
Frontend deployed in Netlify here: Frontend repo here: Backend in Heroku. Backend code here:
- React with hooks
- Uses Material UI useStyles() and theme (with minor modification). CSS-in-JS
- Frontend Testing: Jest, testing-library/react
- Frontend CI: Github Actions for CI
- Backend: Nodejs Express, MongoDB(Mongoose), CircleCI
In the project directory, run:
npm install
npm start
You will need to spin up the backend to this project. Please refer above for backend repo details.
- DONE - Process for the user to "search and select the book" rather than "adding via form" could be implemented
- Experiment other UI libraries to simplify unit testing
Basri Dogan