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Usage ‐ MTM ‐ CSV Explorer

babsonnexus edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 1 revision

CSV Explorer is a tool to effortlessly look through data provided by web csv files, most notably what is available from the Channels DVR API & Feed Explorer. Due to the close interaction between these concepts, an active subscription to Channels DVR is required for this to function.


Much like Gracenote Search, this requires the user to provide a value of what they would like to explore. In this case, it is a link that is created by the Channels DVR API & Feed Explorer.


You should expand the frame to enter API & Feed Explorer and make the appropriate selections to get what you are looking for. You must select "CSV" as the output option.


It is recommended to be cognizant of how large the data set is. The bigger, the longer it will take to render. This is especially true when there are images involved. Either way, once you have made your selection, copy the link that is created into the field below and click the Load button. This will create a table of the results that you can then filter and explore through.


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