Try running some of the following tasks:
to get help commands:
npx hardhat help
to test contract by hardhat unit testing:
npx hardhat test
to run hardhat localhost network:
npx hardhat node
try to use this commands separately in hardhat localhost network:
// 1) to deploy contract
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
// 2) to mint some tokens
npx hardhat run scripts/minting.js --network localhost
// 3) to enter staking
npx hardhat run scripts/staking.js --network localhost
// 4) to get rewards
npx hardhat run scripts/getRewards.js --network localhost
// 5) to get your staked tokens
npx hardhat run scripts/withdraw.js --network localhost
- or use short version of this commands in hardhat localhost network:
- to run deploy -> mint -> enter staking:
npm run enterStaking
- to deploy contract:
npm run deploy
- to mint some tokens:
npm run mint
- to enter staking:
npm run stake
- to get rewards:
npm run rewards
- to get your staked tokens:
npm run withdraw
- or use one command to run these commands sequentially in hardhat localhost network:
npm test