Repository to create "on prem" VMs for the Azure Arc & Management hack.
The repo will deploy two resource groups:
Resource Group | Description |
arc-hack | Empty, ready for your connected machines |
arc-hack-resources | Resources for the "on prem" servers |
These default names may be overridden.
Operating systems available:
OS | Admin User | Admin Credentials |
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS | arcadmin | Uses the default SSH key pair unless specified |
Windows Server 2019 | arcadmin | Terraform output displays the admin password |
You will need an SSH key pair:
It will also create a vNet and a custom NSG (using ASGs) to control the ports opened up to the Windows and Linux VMs' public IPs. Note that these VMs are intended for training and demo purpose only and expose ports that should not be exposed for production workloads.
The provisioned servers are customised to remove the Azure Agent and to block the internal http endpoint for the Instance Metedata Service (IMDS).
They can then be onboarded to Azure by downloading azcmagent and connecting as per the Azure docs. If the agent and endpoint were visible to the azcmagent installation then it would abort.
You should not need to touch the resources that Terraform creates in the arc-hack-resources
session. (You wouldn't be able to reset password etc. from the portal or run Custom Script Extensions as these all run on top of the Azure Agent.)
Login to Azure and check you are in the correct subscription context.
az login
git clone
Change directory to the root module.
cd arc-onprem-servers
Edit terraform.tfvars
Modify the terraform.tfvars as required. The default will create one VM of each type.
Additional variables are defined in with sensible defaults.
Run through the standard Terraform workflow.
terraform init terraform validate terraform plan terraform apply
If there are any errors then rerun the
terraform apply
and Terraform should create remaining resources.Once everything has been created then
terraform plan
should displayNo changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
Use terraform output
to show FQDNs, SSH commands.
This will only show output if you are in the Terraform directory.
The Windows admin password is a "sensitive value". Use terraform output windows_admin_password
and the value will be displayed.
To remove the resources:
terraform destroy
Note that this will remove the arc-hack resource group and therefore any resources within that resource group (such as connected machine resources) will also be deleted.
The variables are shown with their default value.
linux_count = 0
linux_prefix = "ubuntu"
Use in combination to generate an array of linux VM names. If linux_count = 2 then the array = ["ubuntu-01","ubuntu-02"].
windows_count = 0
windows_prefix = "win"
Does the same for windows VM names. Note that "windows" is not a permitted prefix as it is a trademarked word.
linux_vm_names = []
windows_vm_name = []
Use these to explicitly set the individual names. Overrides the count and prefix values.
create_ansible_hosts = false
Set to true to create a hosts file usable by Ansible. Recommended environment variables:
export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=$(pwd)/hosts
resource_group_name = arc-hack
location = "UK South"
tags = {}
admin_username = arcadmin