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azizj1 committed Jan 6, 2020
1 parent 3e510d4 commit 1e060c9
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Showing 6 changed files with 129 additions and 91 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/2019/18.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ export const collectKeys = ({grid, keys, entrance}: ITunnel) => {
if (!isValid(start, visited, keysObtained))
return Infinity;

// if (from != null && from.col === entrance.col && from.row === entrance.row && keysObtained.size === 0) {
// console.log('STARTING OVER');
// }
const cell = get(start);
let onKey = false;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +339,7 @@ export const solve2 = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>) => {
const newTotalSteps = totalSteps + key.steps;
if (!visited.has(newCacheKey) || visited.get(newCacheKey)! > newTotalSteps) {
totalSteps: totalSteps + key.steps,
totalSteps: newTotalSteps,
atKey: key.toKey,
keysObtained: newKeysObtained
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185 changes: 102 additions & 83 deletions src/2019/18b.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
import { IPoint } from '~/2019/10';
import { getDistancesToAllKeys, IBaseTunnel, IKeyToKeyInfo, makeGetReachableKeys, getCacheKey } from '~/2019/18';
import { getRunsFromIniFile } from '~/util/util';
import { getRunsFromIniFile, resetConsoleInfo, dropConsoleInfo } from '~/util/util';
import input from './18b.txt';
import { timer } from '~/util/Timer';
import { PriorityQueue } from '~/util/PriorityQueue';
import { GenericSet } from '~/util/GenericSet';
import chalk from 'chalk'; = () => void 0;

interface ITunnel extends IBaseTunnel {
entrances: Map<string, IPoint>;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,24 +60,28 @@ const getKeyToEntranceMap = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrance
return keyToEntranceMap;

const getOtherKeysObtained = (quadrant: string, quadrantLastKeysObtained: Map<string, string>) => {
let keysObtained = '';
for (const k of quadrantLastKeysObtained.keys())
if (k !== quadrant)
keysObtained += quadrantLastKeysObtained.get(k);
return keysObtained;
const getAllValuesExcludingKey = (keyToExclude: string, allKeys: Map<string, string>) => {
let values = '';
for (const k of allKeys.keys())
if (k !== keyToExclude)
values += allKeys.get(k);
return values;

export const solve = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrances: Map<string, IPoint>) => {
let failureWeight = 10000;
type QueueState = {totalSteps: number; keysObtained: string; atKey: string; failedAttempts?: number};
// the prioritizer function is called only when an empty is inserted, so we increment failureWeight every time
// a failedAttempt is added, to make sure its added at the bottom of the queue.
const queue = new PriorityQueue<QueueState>(p => p.failedAttempts != null ? -1 * (failureWeight++) : -p.totalSteps);
const visited = new Map<string, number>();
const getReachableKeys = makeGetReachableKeys(keytoKeyMap);
const keyToQuadrantMap = getKeyToEntranceMap(keytoKeyMap, entrances); // key to entrance it belongs to
const quadrantLastKeysObtained = new Map(Array.from(entrances.keys()).map(k => [k, '']));
const quadrantLastKeysObtained = new Map(Array.from(entrances.keys()).map(k => [
k, // key of the Map
keytoKeyMap.get(k)!.map(k1 => k1.toKey).join('') // all keys reachable by entrance, regardless of doors in way
const keysPerQuadrant = new Map(Array.from(entrances.keys()).map(k => [k, keytoKeyMap.get(k)!.length]));'keysPerQuadrant', keysPerQuadrant);
const minSteps = new Map(Array.from(entrances.keys()).map(k => [k, Infinity]));

for (const e of entrances.keys())
Expand All @@ -88,18 +90,15 @@ export const solve = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrances: Map<
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
const { totalSteps, keysObtained, atKey, failedAttempts = 0 } = queue.dequeue()!;
const quadrant = keyToQuadrantMap.get(atKey)!;
if (quadrantLastKeysObtained.get(quadrant)!.length < keysObtained.length)
quadrantLastKeysObtained.set(quadrant, keysObtained);

if (keysObtained.length === keysPerQuadrant.get(quadrant)) {
const currMinSteps = minSteps.get(quadrant)!;
minSteps.set(quadrant, Math.min(currMinSteps, totalSteps));`DONE for ${quadrant}. Total steps = ${minSteps.get(quadrant)}, keysObtained = ${keysObtained}`);;
const keysObtainedOtherQuadrants = getOtherKeysObtained(quadrant, quadrantLastKeysObtained);

const keysObtainedOtherQuadrants = getAllValuesExcludingKey(quadrant, quadrantLastKeysObtained);
const keysObtainedSet = new GenericSet(k => k, [...keysObtained, ...keysObtainedOtherQuadrants]);
const reachableKeys = getReachableKeys(atKey, keysObtainedSet);'atKey:', atKey, 'keysObtained', keysObtained, 'totalSteps:', totalSteps, 'otherKeys', keysObtainedOtherQuadrants);

if (reachableKeys.length === 0 && failedAttempts < 10) {
const hasKeysToGetInFuture = keytoKeyMap.get(atKey)!.filter(k => !keysObtainedSet.has(k.toKey)).length > 0;
Expand All @@ -126,75 +125,94 @@ export const solve = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrances: Map<
return Array.from(minSteps.values()).reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0);
/* eslint-disable */
// export const solve = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrances: Map<string, IPoint>) => {
// type QueueState = {totalSteps: number; keysObtained: string; atKey: string};
// const queue = new Queue<QueueState>();
// const visited = new Map<string, number>();
// const getReachableKeys = makeGetReachableKeys(keytoKeyMap);
// let count = 0;
// let minSteps = Infinity;
// let skippedOverSome = false;
// console.log('entrances', entrances);

// for (const e of entrances.keys())
// queue.enqueue({totalSteps: 0, keysObtained: '', atKey: e});

// while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// count++;
// const { totalSteps, keysObtained, atKey, failed } = queue.dequeue()!;
// console.log('atKey:', atKey, 'keysObtained', keysObtained, 'totalSteps:', totalSteps, 'queueSize', queue.size());
// if (keysObtained.length === keytoKeyMap.size - entrances.size) {
// minSteps = Math.min(totalSteps, minSteps);
// continue;
// }
// // if you dequeue a failed item, that means all remaining items in the queue are failures, so gtfo
// if (failed) {
// console.log('NO SOLUTION FOUND');
// break;
// }
// if (count > 10)
// break;
// const keysObtainedSet = new GenericSet(k => k, [...keysObtained]);
// const reachableKeys = getReachableKeys(atKey, keysObtainedSet);
// console.log(`\treachable=${ => k.toKey)}`);

// if (reachableKeys.length === 0) {
// const hasKeysToGetInFuture = keytoKeyMap.get(atKey)!.filter(k => !keysObtainedSet.has(k.toKey)).length > 0;
// if (hasKeysToGetInFuture) {
// console.log(`adding ${atKey} (${entrances.get(atKey)?.col},${entrances.get(atKey)?.row}) to failed`);
// skippedOverSome = true;
// queue.enqueue({ totalSteps, atKey, keysObtained });
// }
// }
// if (reachableKeys.length > 0 && skippedOverSome) {
// queue.values.forEach(q => q.failed = false);
// queue.heapify();
// skippedOverSome = false;
// }
// for (const key of reachableKeys) {
// const newKeysObtained = keysObtained + key.toKey;
// const newCacheKey = getCacheKey(key.toKey, newKeysObtained);
// const newTotalSteps = totalSteps + key.steps;
// if (!visited.has(newCacheKey) || visited.get(newCacheKey)! > newTotalSteps) {
// queue.enqueue({
// totalSteps: totalSteps + key.steps,
// atKey: key.toKey,
// keysObtained: newKeysObtained
// });
// visited.set(newCacheKey, newTotalSteps);
// }
// }
// }
// console.log('iterations =', count);
// return minSteps;
// };
/* eslint-enable */

Input: [
[a, b],
[c, d]
Output: [
[a, c, e],
[a, d, e],
[b, c, e],
[b, d, e]
export const combinations = <T>(keysReachableKeys: T[][]) => {
const solutions: T[][] = [];

const helper = (atKeyIndex: number, curr: T[]) => {
if (curr.length === keysReachableKeys.length) {
for (let i = atKeyIndex; i < keysReachableKeys.length; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < keysReachableKeys[i].length; j++) {
helper(i + 1, curr);
helper(0, []);
return solutions;

export const solve2 = (keytoKeyMap: Map<string, IKeyToKeyInfo[]>, entrances: Map<string, IPoint>) => {
type QueueState = {totalSteps: number; atKeys: string[]; allKeysObtained: string};
const queue = new PriorityQueue<QueueState>(p => -1 * p.totalSteps);
const visited = new Map<string, number>();
const getReachableKeys = makeGetReachableKeys(keytoKeyMap);
let minSteps = Infinity;

totalSteps: 0,
atKeys: Array.from(entrances.keys()),
allKeysObtained: ''
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
const { totalSteps, atKeys, allKeysObtained } = queue.dequeue()!;'atKey:', atKeys, 'keysObtained', allKeysObtained, 'totalSteps:', totalSteps);
if (allKeysObtained.length === keytoKeyMap.size - entrances.size) {
minSteps = Math.min(totalSteps, minSteps);
const keysObtainedSet = new GenericSet(k => k, [...allKeysObtained]);
const allRouteOptionsForAllRobots =
// we're adding the current key to reachable keys to include the option of "staying put"
// obviously, staying put has 0 steps involved => [{toKey: k, steps: 0}].concat(getReachableKeys(k, keysObtainedSet)))
).slice(1); // remove the first one because it'll be identical to the current one

for (const routeOptionForAllRobots of allRouteOptionsForAllRobots) {
// 0th robot moves to key robotsMoveToKey[0]
const robotsMoveToKey = => r.toKey);
const newKeysObtained = Array.from(new GenericSet(k => k,
.filter(k => !entrances.has(k))
const newCacheKey = getCacheKey(robotsMoveToKey.join(''), newKeysObtained);
const newTotalSteps = routeOptionForAllRobots.reduce((a, c) => a + c.steps, totalSteps);
if (!visited.has(newCacheKey) || visited.get(newCacheKey)! > newTotalSteps) {
totalSteps: newTotalSteps,
atKeys: robotsMoveToKey,
allKeysObtained: newKeysObtained
visited.set(newCacheKey, newTotalSteps);
return minSteps;

export const run = () => {
const sims = getSimulations();
for (const s of sims) {
Expand All @@ -205,7 +223,8 @@ export const run = () => {`key=${k}\t`, d.get(k)?.map(a => `${a.toKey}: ${a.steps} (${Array.from(a.keysInWay.values()).concat(Array.from(a.doorsInWay.values()))})`).join(' '))
console.log('entrances', s.entrances);
console.log(chalk.redBright('answer ='), solve(d, s.entrances));
console.log(chalk.redBright('answer ='), solve2(d, s.entrances));
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/2019/18b.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,17 @@

[4, 36steps]

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/util/GenericSet.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ export class GenericSet<E> extends Set<E | string | number> {
/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members */
constructor(toClone: GenericSet<E>);
constructor(getHash: HashFunction<E>);
constructor(getHash: HashFunction<E>, data: E[]);
constructor(setOrHash: GenericSet<E> | HashFunction<E>, data?: E[]) {
constructor(getHash: HashFunction<E>, data: E[] | IterableIterator<E>);
constructor(setOrHash: GenericSet<E> | HashFunction<E>, data?: E[] | IterableIterator<E>) {
if (typeof setOrHash === 'function') {
this.getHash = setOrHash;
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/util/util.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,14 @@ export const getRunsFromIniFile = (content: string) =>
content: run[2]

let savedConsoleInfo: ((message?: string) => void) | null = null;
export const dropConsoleInfo = () => {
savedConsoleInfo =; = () => void 0;

export const resetConsoleInfo = () => {
if (savedConsoleInfo != null) = savedConsoleInfo;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/watch.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// it's dynamically loaded because it allows us to continue running if there is a runtime error
async function run() {
try {
const p1 = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "problem1" */ './2019/18');
// const p1 = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "problem1" */ './2019/18');
const p2 = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "problem1" */ './2019/18b');;
} catch (e) {
Expand Down

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