This is the Moodle i>clicker integrate plugin for Moodle 2+ which integrates Moodle 2+ with iClicker ( The plugin allows students to register their clickers with the Moodle 2+ installation. It provides an adminstrative interface for managing the registrations for Moodle admins. Instructors are provided with a reporting view which allows them to view a listing of the students in their courses which have and have not registered clickers. The plugin also provides integration with the i>clicker and i>grader desktop applications and allows direct grade import and export from the Moodle course gradebook.
Download the current release of the plugin from the moodle plugins directory: []
The 1.9 version is available in []
[ README] (Installation and usage guide)
NOTE about database errors in Moodle 2.8:
If you are running Moodle 2.8 and installed a version of this plugin older than 26 April 2015 (1.8.1 or older) you may see an issue when viewing grades in the gradebook which produces an error like this:
"Error reading from database"
Debug info: Table 'moodle28.mdl_iclicker' doesn't exist
SELECT c.* FROM mdl_iclicker instance
JOIN mdl_course c ON = instance.course
Error code: dmlreadexception
To fix this issue, upgrade your plugin to version 1.8.2 or newer and then run the following SQL (note that you may have to adjust the "mdl_grade_items" table name to match your local installation - depending on the configured database table prefix):
update mdl_grade_items set itemtype = 'manual', itemmodule = NULL
where itemtype = "blocks" and itemmodule = "iclicker";