Java Library to read and write POJOs
In order to identify what fields to write and read from Excel you need Provide meta-data. We use annotations to provide those meta-data to the Excel4j. Excel4j provide annotations:
@ExcelSheet to mark the Pojo class
// default sheet name will be the class name and sheet number is 0
@ExcelSheet(name = "", sheetNumber = 0)
public class Product {
@ExcelCell to mark fields of Class
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.annotations.ExcelCell;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.annotations.ExcelSheet;
@ExcelSheet(name = "Product", sheetNumber = 1)
public class Product {
@ExcelCell(name = "Product Name", cellNumber = 0)
private String name;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.options.ExcelOption;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.processors.ExcelProcessor;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.service.contracts.ExcelReader;
import dev.archimedes.entities.Product;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create option to supply addition information to read and writer
ExcelOption<Product> option = ExcelOption.<Product>builder()
.with(Product.class) // with Java Object to read/write
.sheetIndex(0) // default value is 0, but you can provide your own.
.dateRegex("dd/MM/yyyy") // date format in Excel cell
.listDelimiter(";") // if cell have value separated by delimiter, here ';'
.start(5) // default 1, indicate the row number from where to start operation
// create the file object to refer your Excel File.
File file = new File("your_file_location.xlsx");
ExcelReader<Product> reader = ExcelProcessor.getReaderFromOption(option);
// ExcelProcessor have static methods to return writer and reader instance
// read the whole file
List<Product> products =;
// read one row at the given position (start in option)
Product product = reader.readOne(file);
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.options.ExcelOption;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.processors.ExcelProcessor;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.service.contracts.ExcelReader;
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.service.contracts.ExcelWriter;
import dev.archimedes.entities.Product;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExcelOption<Product> option = ExcelOption.<Product>builder()
.with(Product.class) // Java Pojo to write
.start(1) // row index where write operation start.
.sheetIndex(0) // sheet where ExcelWriter will write to.
.overwrite(true) // overwrite the file if set true
ExcelWriter<Product> writer = ExcelProcessor.getWriterFromOption(option);
File file = new File("product_data.xlsx");
List<Product> products = List.of(
.name("Product 1")
.date(new Date())
.list(List.of("Something", "Another Thing", "Other Thing"))
.name("Product 2")
.date(new Date())
.list(List.of("Other Thing", "Something", "Another Thing"))
.name("Product 3")
.date(new Date())
.list(List.of("Another Thing", "Something", "Other Thing"))
writer.write(file, products);
If no name parameter is specified in @ExcelSheet() Excel4j has a different approach to name the sheet.
import dev.archimedes.excel4j.annotations.ExcelSheet;
@ExcelSheet() // no name specified, sheet number default to 0
public class ProductDescription {
In this case sheet name will be 'Product Description'
This behavior is due to the Approach of naming classes based on 'CamelCase' Convention
If your class name does not follow 'CamelCase' then do provide the name value,