Hi there, I'm Aymen Letifi, a Software Engineer with Backend Focus 🚀 from Tunisia, currently, I'm a Community Team Member 🙍🏽♂️ @aymenletifi, and an Artificial Intelligence intern 👨🏽💼.
Talking about Personal Stuff:
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently a backend engineer with FRIDAY INSURANCE working on customer service automations using AI;
- 🤔 My interests are with Software Architecture, Software Lifecycle, Devops, AI applied in the finance field;
- 💼 I’m have a Master's degree in Software Engineering;
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- 📫 Please email via [email protected] to reach me.
Languages and Tools:
⭐️ From AymenLetifi