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feat: add sync command to sui/deploy-contract #1317

feat: add sync command to sui/deploy-contract

feat: add sync command to sui/deploy-contract #1317

Workflow file for this run

name: Test Sui
on: pull_request
name: Check for Relevant Changes
runs-on: blacksmith-2vcpu-ubuntu-2204
run_tests: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.sui == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.common == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.github == 'true' }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
id: filter
filters: |
- 'sui/**'
- 'common/**'
- '.github/actions/setup-sui/**'
- '.github/workflows/test-sui.yaml'
- name: Summarize Changes
run: |
echo "Changes in sui: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.sui }}"
echo "Changes in common: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.common }}"
echo "Changes in github: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.github }}"
name: Test Sui
needs: check-relevant-changes
if: ${{ needs.check-relevant-changes.outputs.run_tests == 'true' }}
runs-on: blacksmith-2vcpu-ubuntu-2204
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '18' # Hardcoded to ensure consistency.
cache: 'npm'
registry-url: ''
- name: Install dependencies
shell: bash
run: npm ci
- name: Get Sui Version
shell: bash
run: |
SUI_VERSION=$(jq -r '.SUI_VERSION' "node_modules/@axelar-network/axelar-cgp-sui/version.json")
- name: Setup Sui CLI
uses: axelarnetwork/axelar-cgp-sui/.github/actions/setup-sui@main
sui-version: ${{ env.SUI_VERSION }}
- name: Setup Sui Wallet
shell: bash
run: |
echo -e "y\n\n1" | sui client envs
sui client new-address secp256k1 wallet
sui client switch --address wallet
SUI_PRIVATE_KEY=$(sui keytool export --key-identity wallet --json | jq .exportedPrivateKey | sed 's/"//g')
SUI_ADDRESS=$(sui keytool export --key-identity wallet --json | jq .key.suiAddress | sed 's/"//g')
echo "ITS_HUB_ADDRESS=hub_address" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Spin up Sui Network
# sui-test-validator will be deprecated in the future.
# this command follows the guide in
run: nohup sh -c "RUST_LOG="off,sui_node=info" sui start --with-faucet --force-regenesis" > nohup.out 2> nohup.err < /dev/null &
- name: Wait for Sui network
uses: nev7n/wait_for_response@v1
url: 'http://localhost:9123'
responseCode: 200
timeout: 60000
interval: 1000
- name: Setup Sui Local Network
run: |
sui client new-env --alias local --rpc
sui client switch --env local
- name: Prepare local.json
run: |
echo '{
"chains": {
"sui": {
"name": "Sui",
"axelarId": "sui",
"networkType": "localnet",
"chainType": "sui",
"tokenSymbol": "SUI",
"rpc": "",
"faucetUrl": "",
"contracts": {
"AxelarGateway": {}
"axelar": {
"contracts": {
"InterchainTokenService": {
"address": "${{ env.ITS_HUB_ADDRESS }}"
}' > ./axelar-chains-config/info/local.json
# Create .env file with default hardhat private key that's prefunded
- name: Prepare .env
run: |
echo 'ENV=local' >> .env
echo 'SKIP_EXISTING = true' >> .env
echo 'YES=true' >> .env
- name: Display local.json
run: cat ./axelar-chains-config/info/local.json
- name: Request SUI from faucet
run: node sui/faucet.js
###### Command: Deploy Contract ######
- name: Deploy Utils
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy Utils
- name: Deploy VersionControl
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy VersionControl
- name: Deploy AxelarGateway
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy AxelarGateway --signers wallet
- name: Deploy Relayer Discovery
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy RelayerDiscovery
- name: Deploy GasService
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy GasService
- name: Deploy Operators
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy Operators
- name: Deploy ABI
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy Abi
- name: Deploy InterchainTokenService
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy InterchainTokenService -y
- name: Deploy Example
run: node sui/deploy-contract deploy Example
###### Command: Gas Service ######
- name: Pay Gas
run: node sui/gas-service.js payGas --amount 100 ethereum 0xba76c6980428A0b10CFC5d8ccb61949677A61233 0x1234
- name: Refund Gas
run: node sui/gas-service.js refund 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-2 --amount 1
- name: Collect Gas
run: node sui/gas-service.js collectGas --amount 0.1
###### Command: Gateway ######
- name: Gateway Pause
run: node sui/contract.js pause AxelarGateway -y
- name: Gateway Unpause
run: node sui/contract.js unpause AxelarGateway -y
- name: Gateway Pause All
run: node sui/contract.js pause AxelarGateway --functions all -y
- name: Gateway Unpause
run: node sui/contract.js unpause AxelarGateway -y
- name: Gateway Approve
run: node sui/gateway.js approve --proof wallet ethereum 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-2 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 0x6ce0d81b412abca2770eddb1549c9fcff721889c3aab1203dc93866db22ecc4b 0x56570de287d73cd1cb6092bb8fdee6173974955fdef345ae579ee9f475ea7432
- name: Gateway Call Contract
run: node sui/gateway.js call-contract ethereum 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 0x1234
- name: Gateway Rotate Signers
run: node sui/gateway.js rotate --signers wallet --proof wallet --newNonce test2
###### Command: GMP Example ######
- name: Execute Outgoing Call Contract
run: node sui/gmp.js sendCall ethereum 0x6f24A47Fc8AE5441Eb47EFfC3665e70e69Ac3F05 0.1 0x1234
- name: Execute Incoming Call Contract
run: |
channel_id=$(cat axelar-chains-config/info/local.json | jq '.chains.sui.contracts.Example.objects.GmpChannelId' | sed 's/"//g')
echo "Channel ID: $channel_id"
node sui/gateway.js approve --proof wallet ethereum 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-3 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 $channel_id 0x56570de287d73cd1cb6092bb8fdee6173974955fdef345ae579ee9f475ea7432
node sui/gmp.js execute ethereum 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-3 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 0x1234
###### Command: ITS ######
- name: ITS Pause
run: node sui/contract.js pause InterchainTokenService -y
- name: ITS Unpause
run: node sui/contract.js unpause InterchainTokenService -y
- name: ITS Pause
run: node sui/contract.js pause InterchainTokenService --functions all -y
- name: ITS Unpause
run: node sui/contract.js unpause InterchainTokenService -y
###### Command: ITS Example ######
- name: Prepare ITS Example Parameters
run: |
echo "sourceChain=Ethereum" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "transferMessageId=0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-01" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "deployMessageId=0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-02" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "sourceAddress=0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "amount=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "symbol=IMD" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "decimals=9" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "name=interchain-moo-deng" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "emptyTokenSymbol=ETY" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "emptyTokenName=Empty" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "emptyTokenDecimals=6" >> $GITHUB_ENV
config=$(cat axelar-chains-config/info/local.json)
echo "channelId=$(echo $config | jq -r '.chains.sui.contracts.InterchainTokenService.objects.ChannelId')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "destinationContractAddress=$(echo $config | jq -r '.chains.sui.contracts.Example.objects.ItsChannelId')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Deploy Test Tokens
run: |
node sui/its-example deploy-token --origin ${{ env.symbol }} ${{ }} ${{ env.decimals }}
node sui/its-example deploy-token ${{ env.emptyTokenSymbol }} ${{ env.emptyTokenName }} ${{ env.emptyTokenDecimals }}
# Prepare additional parameters for the example:
transferInfo=$(node sui/its-example.js print-receive-transfer ${{ env.sourceChain }} ${{ env.symbol }} ${{ env.sourceAddress }} ${{ env.amount }})
deploymentInfo=$(node sui/its-example.js print-receive-deployment ${{ env.sourceChain }} ${{ env.emptyTokenName }} ${{ env.emptyTokenSymbol }} ${{ env.emptyTokenDecimals }})
echo "transferPayloadHash=$(echo $transferInfo | jq -r .payloadHash)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "transferPayload=$(echo $transferInfo | jq -r .payload)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "originTokenId=$(echo $transferInfo | jq -r .tokenId)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "deployPayload=$(echo $deploymentInfo | jq -r .payload)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "deployPayloadHash=$(echo $deploymentInfo | jq -r .payloadHash)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ITS Flow Limit Set
run: node sui/its.js set-flow-limits $originTokenId 0 -y
- name: ITS Flow Limit Remove
run: node sui/its.js set-flow-limits $originTokenId none -y
- name: Setup Trusted Addresses
run: |
node sui/its.js add-trusted-chains $sourceChain
- name: Send Token to another chain
run: |
node sui/its-example send-token $symbol $sourceChain $sourceAddress 0.1 10
- name: Receive Token from another chain
run: |
node sui/gateway.js approve --proof wallet ${{ env.ITS_HUB_CHAIN_NAME }} $transferMessageId ${{ env.ITS_HUB_ADDRESS }} $channelId $transferPayloadHash
node sui/its-example receive-token ${{ env.ITS_HUB_CHAIN_NAME }} $transferMessageId ${{ env.ITS_HUB_ADDRESS }} $symbol $transferPayload
- name: Send Token Deployment to another chain
run: |
node sui/its-example send-deployment $symbol $sourceChain 0.1 10
- name: Receive Token Deployment from another chain
run: |
node sui/gateway.js approve --proof wallet ${{ env.ITS_HUB_CHAIN_NAME }} $deployMessageId ${{ env.ITS_HUB_ADDRESS }} $channelId $deployPayloadHash
node sui/its-example receive-deployment ${{ env.ITS_HUB_CHAIN_NAME }} $deployMessageId ${{ env.ITS_HUB_ADDRESS }} $emptyTokenSymbol $deployPayload
###### Command: Operators ######
- name: Store Capability Object in Operators
run: node sui/operators.js storeCap
- name: Add Operator
run: node sui/operators.js add $SUI_ADDRESS
- name: Collect Gas with Operator
run: node sui/operators.js collectGas --amount 1
- name: Refund Gas with Operator
run: node sui/operators.js refund 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-2 --amount 1
- name: Remove Operator
run: node sui/operators.js remove $SUI_ADDRESS
###### Command: Generate Keypair ######
- name: Generate Keypair
run: node sui/generate-keypair.js
###### Command: Multisig ######
- name: Init Multisig
run: |
# Create new addresses
sui client new-address secp256k1 multisig1
sui client new-address secp256k1 multisig2
# Export keys and addresses
KEY_1=$(sui keytool export --key-identity multisig1 --json | jq -r .key.publicBase64Key)
KEY_2=$(sui keytool export --key-identity multisig2 --json | jq -r .key.publicBase64Key)
# Get multisig address
MULTISIG_ADDRESS=$(sui keytool multi-sig-address --pks $KEY_1 $KEY_2 --weights 1 1 --threshold 1 --json | jq -r .multisigAddress)
# Initialize multisig
node sui/multisig.js init --threshold 1 --base64PublicKeys $KEY_1 $KEY_2 --schemeTypes secp256k1 secp256k1
# Faucet operations
node sui/faucet.js --recipient $MULTISIG_ADDRESS
# Set environment variables
- name: Transfer Upgrade Cap to Multisig Address
run: |
upgrade_cap=$(cat axelar-chains-config/info/local.json | jq -r '.chains.sui.contracts.AxelarGateway.objects.UpgradeCap')
node sui/transfer-object.js --objectId $upgrade_cap --recipient $MULTISIG_ADDRESS
- name: Generate Unsigned Tx File
run: |
node sui/deploy-contract.js upgrade AxelarGateway any_upgrade --offline --txFilePath ./tx-upgrade.json --sender $MULTISIG_ADDRESS
- name: Sign Tx File with Multisig Signer
run: |
pk_1=$(sui keytool export --key-identity multisig1 --json | jq .exportedPrivateKey | sed 's/"//g')
pk_2=$(sui keytool export --key-identity multisig2 --json | jq .exportedPrivateKey | sed 's/"//g')
node sui/multisig.js sign --txBlockPath ./tx-upgrade.json --signatureFilePath signature-1.json --offline --privateKey $pk_1
node sui/multisig.js sign --txBlockPath ./tx-upgrade.json --signatureFilePath signature-2.json --offline --privateKey $pk_2
- name: Submit Signed Tx File
run: |
# Define output file for the executed transaction
# Execute the upgrade transaction
node sui/multisig.js combine --txBlockPath ./tx-upgrade.json --signatureFilePath ./combined.json --signatures signature-1.json signature-2.json --executeResultPath ${output_file}
# Store the new package id in a variable
new_package_id=$(jq '.objectChanges[] | select(.type == "published") | .packageId' $output_file | sed 's/"//g')
# Update the local.json file with the new package id
jq --arg pkg "$new_package_id" '.chains.sui.contracts.AxelarGateway.address = $pkg' axelar-chains-config/info/local.json > temp.json \
&& mv temp.json axelar-chains-config/info/local.json
- name: Post Upgrade Gateway Approval With New Package ID
run: node sui/gateway.js approve --proof wallet ethereum 0x32034b47cb29d162d9d803cc405356f4ac0ec07fe847ace431385fe8acf3e6e5-10 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 0x6ce0d81b412abca2770eddb1549c9fcff721889c3aab1203dc93866db22ecc4b 0x56570de287d73cd1cb6092bb8fdee6173974955fdef345ae579ee9f475ea7432
###### Command: Transfer Object ######
- name: Transfer Object
run: |
object_id=$(sui client objects --json | jq -r '.[-1].data.objectId')
node sui/transfer-object.js --objectId $object_id --recipient 0xdd7c964ff032273889eb6029a29314413b461629c45c0442c6f9cf8342450c12