A cross-platform library for implementing state machines in C/C++ and vividly documenting them in UML.
- The UML diagram reflects the source code - there's no need to maintain it manually.
- PlantUML state diagrams are generated from the source code.
- Develop and test applications on a PC or in the cloud, then deploy to embedded hardware.
- Extensible binding layer supports bare-metal uCs, RTOSs including FreeRTOS, as well as Linux and Windows.
The following example implements a toaster. For simplicity, it has a 10 second toasting time and the user presses the same button to start and cancel it.
This diagram was generated from the source code below:
// See examples folder for full source code
VIVID_EVENT_PUBLIC(toaster_t, toaster, ev_button_press, vsm);
VIVID_STATE(toaster_t, root)
VIVID_STATE(toaster_t, off)
VIVID_ON_ENTRY(printf("Toaster is off. Press enter to start!\n"););
VIVID_ON_EVENT(ev_button_press, true, on, VIVID_NO_ACTION);
VIVID_STATE(toaster_t, on)
VIVID_ON_ENTRY(printf("Toaster is on. Press enter to cancel, or wait for it to pop up...\n"););
VIVID_ON_EVENT(ev_button_press, true, off, printf("Toasting cancelled\n"););
VIVID_ON_TIMEOUT(tm_popup, 10.0, true, off, printf("Toast is ready!\n"););
For Ubuntu, install the prerequisites:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake plantuml
Clone the repo, then build and run the toaster example:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/awslabs/vivid-state-machine.git
cd vivid-state-machine
mkdir build && cd build
make -j$(nproc)
Run plantuml
, then open the build/
folder to view the UML diagram generated by the program.
For an Ubuntu 20.04+ development machine using qemu-system-arm
v4.2.1+, install the prerequisites:
sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi qemu-system-arm
Clone the repo and the FreeRTOS repo, then build and run the toaster example:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/awslabs/vivid-state-machine.git
cd vivid-state-machine
git clone --recursive https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS.git lib/FreeRTOS
mkdir build_freertos && cd build_freertos
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../examples/platform/freertos/gcc-arm-none-eabi-toolchain.cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
qemu-system-arm -machine mps2-an385 -cpu cortex-m3 -kernel examples/toaster/toaster -monitor none -nographic -serial stdio
The tools/vivid-gen.py
Python script can also be used to generate the UML diagrams, as an alternative
to the VIVID_UML
build option. The script enables the following:
- Generating diagrams before compilation
- Generating diagrams for embedded projects that do not also compile for Linux / Windows
- Live update of the diagrams during source code editing with the
Install the prerequisites:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip plantuml
sudo pip3 install watchdog
Run the script to monitor the examples/
cd vivid-state-machine
python3 tools/vivid-gen.py --input examples/ --output out/ --monitor
In another terminal run plantuml
, then open the out/
folder to view the UML diagrams.
You can then try modifying and saving a source file in the examples/
folder to see the diagram being
automatically updated.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.