Proposed RFCs Jump to: Full list | Accepted | Proposed | Closed # Title Owner Status 72 Stack Policy 💡 proposed 437 CDK post-deployment experience 💡 proposed 469 AWS Lambda for .NET Support 💡 proposed 489 Add API to register and execute code before or after CDK App lifecycle events 💡 proposed 609 PythonFunction additional build options 💡 proposed 613 Add L2 construct for aws_controltower.CfnEnabledControl 💡 proposed 627 L2 constructs for CodeArtifact 💡 proposed 629 Cost Estimation Tools - Reopened 💡 proposed 631 Amazon VPC Lattice L2 Construct 💡 proposed 635 L2 Constructs for AWS MediaConvert 💡 proposed 655 Enhancements to L1s in CDK 💡 proposed 670 AWS CloudWatch Application Signals L2 Constructs 💡 proposed 673 AWS CloudWatch Application Signals SLO L2 Constructs 💡 proposed 676 Proposing a Contributor Council for AWS CDK 💡 proposed 683 L2 Constructs for AWS Event Schemas 💡 proposed 693 Set Default Values to Construct Properties using PropertyInjector 💡 proposed 695 AWS S3 directory bucket L2 constructs 💡 proposed 703 apigateway: private domain name L2 construct 💡 proposed 686 L2 Constructs for Bedrock ⏰ final comments