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[experimental] Added a provider with web identity token
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dw-kihara committed May 23, 2024
1 parent 5947c04 commit c77394e
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 0 deletions.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions src/aws_credentials_web_identity.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
%% @doc This provider fetches the credentials with
%% <a href="">AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity</a>
%% API.
%% By default, this module uses the Amazon CLI tools to call the API.
%% This behavior can be changed by providing `assume_role_with_web_identity' callback by options.
%% For example, some module may resolve web identity token by aws-erlang.
%% (aws-erlang is much larger library than aws_credentials, so this module does not use it by default.)
%% Environment parameters:
%% <ul>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"region"&gt;&gt; - this is the region to be used.
%% The region must be provided via this option or os env "AWS_REGION" or "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION".</li>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"role_arn"&gt;&gt; - this is the RoleArn input for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API.
%% The role ARN must be provided via this option or os env "AWS_ROLE_ARN".</li>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"role_session_name"&gt;&gt; - this is the RoleSessionName input for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API.
%% The role session name can be optionally provided via this option or os env "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME".</li>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"web_identity_token_file"&gt;&gt; - this is the file name which contains web identity token.
%% The file name must be provided via this option or os env "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE".</li>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"web_identity_token_module"&gt;&gt; - this is the module which actually fetches credentials.
%% If this option is absent, default callback is used, which uses aws cli command.</li>
%% <li> &lt;&lt;"web_identity_token_module_option"&gt;&gt; - this is the option for web_identity_token_module.
%% The option can be optionally provided via this option.
%% For the default callback, &lt;&lt;"aws_cli_command"&gt;&gt; option is available for the aws cli command.</li>
%% </ul>
%% @end

-export([fetch/1, assume_role_with_web_identity/5]).

-type region() :: binary().
-type role_arn() :: binary().
-type role_session_name() :: binary().
-type web_identity_token_file() :: binary() | string().
-type web_identity_token() :: binary().

-callback assume_role_with_web_identity(region(), role_arn(), role_session_name(), web_identity_token(), map()) ->
{ok, aws_credentials:credentials(), aws_credentials_provider:expiration()} | {error, any()}.


-spec fetch(aws_credentials_provider:options()) ->
{error, any()} | {ok, aws_credentials:credentials(), aws_credentials:expiration()}.
fetch(Options) ->
{ok, Region} = get_region(Options),
{ok, RoleArn} = get_role_arn(Options),
{ok, RoleSessionName} = get_role_session_name(Options),
{ok, TokenFile} = get_token_file(Options),
{ok, Token} = load_token_file(TokenFile),
Module = maps:get(web_identity_token_module, Options, ?MODULE),
ModuleOptions = maps:get(web_identity_token_module_options, Options, #{}),
Module:assume_role_with_web_identity(Region, RoleArn, RoleSessionName, Token, ModuleOptions)
error:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} -> {error, Reason}

-spec get_region(aws_credentials_provider:options()) -> {error, any()} | {ok, region()}.
get_region(Options) ->
case {os:getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"), os:getenv("AWS_REGION"), maps:get(region, Options, undefined)} of
{_, _, Region} when is_binary(Region) ->
{ok, Region};
{_, AwsRegion, _} when is_list(AwsRegion) ->
{ok, list_to_binary(AwsRegion)};
{AwsDefaultRegion, _, _} when is_list(AwsDefaultRegion) ->
{ok, list_to_binary(AwsDefaultRegion)};
_ ->
{error, no_region}

-spec get_role_arn(aws_credentials_provider:options()) -> {error, any()} | {ok, role_arn()}.
get_role_arn(Options) ->
case {os:getenv("AWS_ROLE_ARN"), maps:get(role_arn, Options, undefined)} of
{_, RoleArn} when is_binary(RoleArn) ->
{ok, RoleArn};
{AwsRoleArn, _} when is_list(AwsRoleArn) ->
{ok, list_to_binary(AwsRoleArn)};
_ ->
{error, no_role_arn}

-spec get_role_session_name(aws_credentials_provider:options()) -> {ok, role_session_name()}.
get_role_session_name(Options) ->
case {os:getenv("AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME"), maps:get(role_session_name, Options, undefined)} of
{_, RoleSessionName} when is_binary(RoleSessionName) ->
{ok, RoleSessionName};
{AwsRoleSessionName, _} when is_list(AwsRoleSessionName) ->
{ok, list_to_binary(AwsRoleSessionName)};
_ ->
%% session name is used to uniquely identify a session.
%% So simply use unix time in nanoseconds.
{ok, integer_to_binary(erlang:system_time(nanosecond))}

-spec get_token_file(aws_credentials_provider:options()) -> {error, any()} | {ok, web_identity_token_file()}.
get_token_file(Options) ->
case {os:getenv("AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE"), maps:get(web_identity_token_file, Options, undefined)} of
{_, File} when is_binary(File) ->
{ok, File};
{AwsFile, _} when is_list(AwsFile) ->
{ok, AwsFile};
_ ->
{error, no_web_identity_token_file}

-spec load_token_file(web_identity_token_file()) -> {error, any()} | {ok, web_identity_token()}.
load_token_file(TokenFile) ->
case file:read_file(TokenFile) of
{ok, Data} ->
[Token | _] = binary:split(Data, <<"\n">>),
{ok, Token};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {failed_to_read_web_identity_token_file, Reason}}

%% default implementation of assume_role_with_web_identity callback
-spec assume_role_with_web_identity(region(), role_arn(), role_session_name(), web_identity_token(), map()) ->
{ok, aws_credentials:credentials(), aws_credentials_provider:expiration()} | {error, any()}.
assume_role_with_web_identity(Region, RoleArn, RoleSessionName, WebIdentityToken, Options) ->
Result = do_aws_cli([<<"sts assume-role-with-web-identity">>,
<<" --region ">>, Region,
<<" --role-arn ">>, RoleArn,
<<" --role-session-name ">>, RoleSessionName,
<<" --web-identity-token ">>, WebIdentityToken
], Options),
case Result of
{ok, 0, Output} ->
OutputMap = jsx:decode(Output),
CredentialsMap = maps:get(<<"Credentials">>, OutputMap),
AccessKeyId = maps:get(<<"AccessKeyId">>, CredentialsMap),
SecretAccessKey = maps:get(<<"SecretAccessKey">>, CredentialsMap),
Token = maps:get(<<"SessionToken">>, CredentialsMap),
Credentials = aws_credentials:make_map(?MODULE, AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, Token, Region),
Expiration = maps:get(<<"Expiration">>, CredentialsMap),
{ok, Credentials, Expiration};
{ok, StatusCode, Output} ->
{error, {aws_cli_failed, StatusCode, Output}};
Error ->

-spec aws_cli_command(map()) -> binary().
aws_cli_command(Options) ->
case {os:getenv("AWS_CLI_COMMAND"), maps:get(aws_cli_command, Options, undefined)} of
{false, undefined} -> ?AWS_CLI_COMMAND;
{false, Command} -> Command;
{Command, undefined} -> list_to_binary(Command);
{_, Command} -> Command

-spec do_aws_cli(iodata(), map()) ->
{error, any()}
| {ok, non_neg_integer(), binary()}.
do_aws_cli(Subcommand, Options) ->
AwsCliCommand = aws_cli_command(Options),
CommandLine = iolist_to_binary([AwsCliCommand, <<" ">>, Subcommand]),
Port = open_port({spawn, CommandLine}, [stream, use_stdio, binary, exit_status]),
do_aws_cli_loop(Port, []).

-spec do_aws_cli_loop(port(), [binary()]) -> {error, any()} | {ok, non_neg_integer(), binary()}.
do_aws_cli_loop(Port, Data) ->
{Port, {data, NewData}} ->
ConcatData = [Data, NewData],
case erlang:external_size(ConcatData) > ?COMMAND_MAX_OUTPUT of
true ->
{error, output_size_exceeded};
false ->
do_aws_cli_loop(Port, NewData)
{Port, {exit_status, Status}} ->
{ok, Status, iolist_to_binary(Data)}
{error, timeout}

-spec do_aws_cli_close(port()) -> ok.
do_aws_cli_close(Port) ->
catch port_close(Port),

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