What's Changed
By default buckets divide strategy is equally divided
By default tests restart strategy is retry on worker
By default queue is watching for workers and restart them if needed. See silentWorkerAutomaticRestartFeatureConfig
Simulator setup before tests run is optimized. Now it requires less time
Emcee now writes less logs by default. The log level can be configured by environment
Improved plugins errors handling in workers. Memory consumption for plugin support is reduced
Added Emcee metrics Grafana dashboard example
Improved test run result info output for clients (Gradle plugin and CLI)
Added ability to set total tests execution timeout for clients (Gradle plugin and CLI)
Worker now starts on 41001 port (was 80)
Added Android metrics Grafana dashboard example
Documentation was improved
Android documentation now on the separate site
Added ability to configure Queue analytics and metrics for containerized Queue
Fixed bug with Allure report downloading on sdk level 29 and lower
Fixed test start time event
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