Email2sms has been developed by
Email2sms is a free and pure Ruby E-Mail to sms gateway including an extensible filterchain to filter and manipulate incoming emails before sending them as text messages.
In order to run Email2sms you will need the following.
- IMAP Mailbox
- DeveloperGarden Account with credits. Have a look at
- developergarden_sdk
- tmail
If it is the first time you install a gem from github you might need to perform the following command:
gem sources -a
Also have a lookt at for a brief introduction on how to install gems hosted by GitHub.
In order to install the actual email2sms gem invoke the following command:
gem install avarteq-email2sms
The first time you start email2smd it will create the following directory:
Which basically means that it will create the hidden directory email2sms in your home directory (~/).
In addition to this it will create a configuration file template:
Now it’s you turn:
Open the config file and adapt it to your needs.
The basic usage of email2sms is straight forward. It’s mainly about starting and stopping the daemon.
email2smsd -h
to get more information. This help is generated by the daemon gem so this message is not application specific but it will give you to get a short introduction about how to control the daemon.
email2smd start
email2smsd stop
Watch output in
for detailed application state information and errors.
The files are located in the folder you have configured in your configuration file.
By default this is the directory from where you have started the daemon.
Ok, now you are ready:
In order to send an sms just send an email to the email adress configured in the email2sms.yml file.
If you use the subject filter then you will need to have the password in your subject line:
mypass +49177 12344567
Message body:
That’s it. Have fun!
- You would like to have a customized version of email2sms for your project but don’t want to do the dirty work?
- Do you like email2sms but want to have an hosted solution?
- Want to argue about the Ruby and the meaning of life?
Feel free to contact us:
Avarteq GmbH
Julian Fischer
[email protected]
Also checkout our hosting services: