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Releases: autonomys/subspace


21 Apr 08:25
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snapshot-2023-apr-21 Pre-release

Main changes

This snapshot release is an internal release, primarily for the feature of finalizing the domains required by the explorer development.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


18 Apr 03:02
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Main changes

This release primarily improved sector downloading for farmers, ensuring farmer doesn't exit when it can't plot a sector the first time, but rather tries again and again until it succeeds, farming in the process if it can. You should not longer see farmer exiting with "Not enough pieces to reconstruct a segment".

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


14 Apr 13:50
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gemini-3d-2023-apr-14 Pre-release

Main changes

In this release, we have introduced some important updates and improvements to enhance the stability and performance of our system. Please note that this release contains breaking changes for the DSN and upgrade is required to continue participating in the network.

  • Updated Substrate version and other dependencies
  • Added support for the new Rust compiler
  • DSN
    • Implemented network partitioning by genesis-hash
    • Fixed "known address registry" bug
  • consensus
    • Started initial preparations for Consensus 2.3
    • Optimized the archiver component
  • domains
    • Improved the state transition proof verifier
    • Fixed a bug in the relayer

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


05 Apr 20:04
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gemini-3d-2023-apr-05 Pre-release

Main changes

A few fixes for block authoring, including potential fix for MissingSegmentHeadersList from #871 (#1334).

History archiving performance was improved by using parallelism for both creation and restoring history in more cases, but uses more RAM as a trade-off.

Various fixes and suppression of not critical log messages in networking and execution layers.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


29 Mar 22:16
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gemini-3d-2023-mar-29 Pre-release

Main changes

This is the initial release of Gemini 3d with updated archiver implementation and executor support.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


29 Mar 08:44
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This is the Chainspec release for Gemini-3d.


28 Mar 13:08
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snapshot-2023-mar-28 Pre-release

This is regular snapshot to deploy to our internal Devnet.

What's Changed

  • Segment reconstruction for the missing pieces from DSN.
  • Refactor FraudProof
  • Update ParityDB version to avoid database corruption in some cases
  • Ensure correct release is used for Gemini-3 networks
  • DSN networking changes
  • Basic Proof-of-Space implementation
  • Initial subspace-erasure-coding implementation
  • Add runtime for Ethereum relay domain
  • Introduce MockPrimaryNode for the domain testing framework
  • Add QUIC transport support for DSN.
  • Polynomial erasure coding archiver (consensus v2.3)
  • Erasure coding commitments

Full Changelog: snapshot-2023-mar-08...snapshot-2023-mar-28


23 Mar 17:51
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Main changes

This release decreases concurrency in networking a bit and removes annoying Incoming connection rejected message.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Execution implementation in this release is incompatible with previous versions of Gemini 3c, so only farming works here.


22 Mar 16:39
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gemini-3c-2023-mar-22 Pre-release

Main changes

This release brings numerous changes to networking stack to reduce load on consumer routers and should help preventing network outages.
We also updated parity-db, which should help avoiding occasional database corruptions users reported.
x86-64 builds are now offered in x86-64-v3 form (for newer processors since ~2015) and x86-64-v2 (for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs), older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Execution implementation in this release is incompatible with previous versions of Gemini 3c, so only farming works here.
You may see Incoming connection rejected: message, it will be resolved in upcoming updates (in the meantime you can add 2>&1 | grep -v 'ConnectionLimit' to the end of the command on Ubuntu or macOS to ignore it).


15 Mar 16:18
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gemini-3c-2023-mar-15 Pre-release

Main changes

This release brings tuning to networking and ability to customize number of incoming/outgoing DSN connections via CLI.

Known issues

Execution implementation in this release is incompatible with previous versions of Gemini 3c, so only farming works here.