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Releases: autonomys/subspace


14 Jun 07:15
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This release focuses on a small bugfix aimed at resolving the domain block finalization issue on the client side. There are no other changes included in this update.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


08 Jun 13:29
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This snapshot release is for testing purposes and not compatible with Gemini network.

Main changes

  • Chia proof of space re-implementation
  • Parallel Chaipos
  • Slot time is reduced to 1 sec
  • Compact block implementation
  • Benchmark weights for pallets

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • skylake: for Intel Skylake/AMD Ryzen processors and newer
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


23 May 05:14
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Main changes

This release fixes some of the missed backward compatibility changes for Timestamp API we introduced in the previous release.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


17 May 16:41
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Main changes

This is a release for upcoming Consensus chain runtime upgrade.
The main change is addition of a new API to fetch the block timestamp from consensus block: 455f0c2


15 May 07:40
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Main changes

This release adds a number of Core EVM specific changes. With these changes and a primary runtime upgrade, Domain operators can start Core EVM domain once registered on Primary chain.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


06 May 08:22
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snapshot-2023-may-06 Pre-release

Main changes

This snapshot release is for testing purposes and not compatible with Gemini network.

This is a small release to fix some lint errors in the previous release.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • skylake: for Intel Skylake/AMD Ryzen processors and newer
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


05 May 16:08
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snapshot-2023-may-05 Pre-release

Main changes

This snapshot release is for testing purposes and not compatible with Gemini network.

This release introduces the following main changes

  • Consensus V2.3
  • Core EVM domain
  • Fixes on Domain Execution when receipts are missing

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • skylake: for Intel Skylake/AMD Ryzen processors and newer
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired


25 Apr 00:47
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Main changes

This release includes a workaround for an issue on the core domain, the core domain fraud proof is temporarily disabled.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


24 Apr 11:44
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Main changes

This release includes a bugfix for a compatibility issue for gemini-3d caused by the recent changes in runtime API ReceiptsApi.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.


21 Apr 08:57
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Main changes

This release primarily introduces the feature of finalization on the execution layer, which will finalize the domains after 256 blocks in specific.

Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds

There are two versions:

  • x86-64-v3: for newer processors since ~2015
  • x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
  • older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired

Known issues

Intel Haswell and older CPUs are currently not supported by official build, but you can build from scratch if you still want to run it. This will be resolved in future releases.