This program uses pipenv
to install and manage dependecies in the Pipfile
Pipenv documentation is here:
If you cannot install pipenv directly per the instructions you can perform the following:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # activate virtualenv on linux
pip install pipenv
Within the virtual environment, then you can install EcoQuest by:
pipenv install
The ChatGPT content generator requires an API key in order to run it. You can create your own free account and generate the API key. Information for getting an OpenAI trial account is here:
To run the app from the command line, you need to add the API key to your bash terminal session.
You can do this by adding this line to your .bashrc
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<enter_api_key_here>
To run the Django app (within pipenv or the )
python3 runserver
The program will automatically run on port 8000
To run the project you need to create a superuser for yourself. That way you can view the information through the admin interface (including adding users)
python createsuperuser
To migrate db models
python makemigrations
python migrate
- Splash page:
- Admin site:
- EcoEducation EndPoint:
- GET returns a list of all education activities logged in the db
- POST adds 5 points for user and accepts an optional "text" input to log what was read to db (future chatgpt seeding)
- EcoEducation single user activity list endpoint:
- EcoEducation Text Endpoint
- GET returns "text" keyword with text that is customized to the "user_id" pk based on their profile information.
- Ecotransport list endpoint: (supports List i.e. provides list of challenges recorded for the authenticated user, and Create i.e. an authenticated user can record a challenge)
- Ecotransport single user activity view endpoint: (fetches data for a specific activity for the authenticated user)
- EcoMeals Endpoint: (GET request returns all entries by all users; POST request adds plant-based meal logged by user and calculates total points and co2 emissions reduced by eating plant-based.)
- EcoMeals Single User View Endpoint: (GET request returns all plant-based meals logged by user as well as total points and co2 emissions reduced by each meal.)
You can use httpie
tool included in the dev dependencies to test. For pk URL try something like this:
http GET