Comb is a convenient mobile app that helps you find types of shellfish available in your local area by utilizing React Native, Google Maps, and Firebase.
- It features a Google Maps search bar that will provide the user with Tide and Weather information based on their search input.
- Shellfish icons populate the map and indicate popular harvesting locations.
- If logged in, a user can post and view status updates on the live message board.
- There is also an info tab is also available that serves as an information database and images of local shellfish in the region.
- The info tab doubles as a shellfish counter for you to keep track of your catches while harvesting.
- Download Expo Go for IOS or Android
- Click on the link below and scan with your QR code scanner
- QR code will redirect you to Comb within Expo's App Store
- Deployed App: Click Here!
- Still in production
- Still in production
- React ^18.0.0
- React Native ^0.69.6
- Expo ~46.0.13
- Expo Location ^14.3.0
- Expo Vector Icons ^13.0.0
- Expo Webpack Config ^0.17.0
- Expo Google Fonts Alice ^0.2.2
- Expo Google Fonts Titillium Web ^0.2.2
- React Navigation ^6.0.2
- React Navigation Drawer ^6.5.0
- React Navigation Bottom Tabs ^6.0.5
- React Navigation Native Stack ^6.1.0
- React Navigation
- React Navigation Drawer ^6.5.0
- React Navigation Bottom Tabs ^6.0.5
- React Navigation Native Stack ^6.1.0
- React Native Community Geolocation ^3.0.2
- Moment ^2.29.4
- Firebase ^9.13.0
- React Native Google Places Autocomplete ^2.4.1
- React Native Maps 0.31.1
- React Native Gesture Handler ~2.5.0
- TypeScript ~4.3.5
- Weather data: Open Weather
- Tide data:
- Location data: Google Places