This game was created during GM48's 44th GameJam as a team project.
To see the original submission click here: GM48 Soulo
Download the game here
Fight your way through the realm of limbo between life and death for a second chance at life! Deliver your soul back to your body. 👻
This was our first time doing a group project on GameMaker, so we encountered many issues with version control while working together.
- While on the ground you can move Left, Right and Jump
- While floating you MUST use your bullets for propulsion to move around
- Switch between 3 weapon types (Pistol, Machine Gun and Shotgun)
- Collect shields so you can take some extra hits from enemies
W: Jump
A: Left
D: Right
Left-Shift: Switch Weapon (Pistol, Machine Gun, Shotgun)
Mouse Left-Click: Shoot
Just in case any bugs occur and you aren't able to experience the whole story:
- Haydn - Amazing pixel artist that provided us with the character and enemy sprites
- Allison James - For the "Murder She Wrote" theme song
- Enemies continue to show their death effect if you keep shooting them. Avoid the particles after killing an enemy to avoid taking damage.
- Some room transitions are out of order or not going where intended.