the capybara robot is an open source and open hardware differential drive robot. Powered by a dspic33fj128mc802 it provides an highly customizable firmware, a full extensible serial commands stack and an high speed PID control loop up to 1khz for each motor.
The firmware source code is available
It subscribes to:
- cmd_vel topic to control the robot with linear and angular velocities expressed in m/s,
- requested_ticks topic to control the robot in ticks per second.
It provides:
- /relative_signed_ticks topic: ticks per second expressed in signed int 16,
- /absolute_usigned_ticks: ticks per second expressed in unsigned int 16,
- /odom publish: the odometry data in messages of type nav_msgs/Odometry.
It also broadcast the trasformation /tf from /odom to /base_link
The parameter "robot_name" is used to set the namespace so that each topic name i preceded from the value of this parameter.