This project contains the code for the bachelor project of Arjen T. Z. which had the goal to calculate the 8th Dedekind number following Wiedemann (1991)'s strategy to compute dn+2 from Dn.
The thesis itself can be found here.
A simple Makefile
is included. The program can be used after running make
mpirun -np N ./project -d X
Where X in [2..n) is the Dedekind number to calculate. And N is the number of processes you would like to use. Note: The program will also work when running without using mpirun. In that case the program will just run in one process.
The program is written to run on the millipede cluster of the University of Groningen. More information on the millipede can be found here.
An example Job script is added to the repository, to make it easier for others to use the code. A manual to writing these job scripts can be found here.