:Git blame
- if you want to check difference between different commits
- if you want to open blamed line in Github
- if you want to check difference between current file and the last commit
Instead of opening multiple instances of vim in different terminal tabs when using dadbod for querying databases, use vim tabs.
open new tab - :tabnew
go to next tab - gt
Move to a window - ctrl-w <direction - hjkl>
Move to the next window - alt-w
Increase height of window - ctrl-w <n>+
- ctrl-w 10+
ctrl-b %
- split veritally
ctrl-b "
- split horizontally
ctrl-b <direction>
- move to direction
exit or ctrl-d
- close pane
ctrl-b c
- create new window
ctrl-b n
- move to next window
ctrl-b <number>
- move to window number