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Releases: asuengineering/pitchfork

Version 2.4.0

19 Feb 23:47
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This release updates packages from the Unity Design System to reflect current styles and options available for the blocks within Pitchfork People. It also incorporates a change to the size of the innovation image within the global footer.

  • ADD: New patterns added to the pattern library include the Story + Thumb (Row) pattern and the Icon + Heading pattern.
  • CHANGE: Several patterns were recategorized to allow for easier access to the complete set of patterns which use the core/query-loop block. The full pattern library can be viewed at /wp-admin/site-editor.php?path=/patterns
  • ADD: A new page template called No title was added to the theme. Unlike the default template, the No title template does not automatically echo a page title prior to the output of the_content(). Use the core/title block to include that content elsewhere within the page design.
  • ADD: A new theme option allows for the direct inclusion of a tracking code from Microsoft Clarity.

Package Versions

The global header and global footer packages were updated to the last release point prior to the Unity component consolidation effort that took place in February 2025.

Package Old version Updated Version
unity-bootstrap-package 1.15.3 1.20.2
component-header 2.2.0 2.3.3
component-footer 2.2.0 2.2.2

Version 2.3.0

22 Nov 06:31
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This release contains a critical fix to address a PHP error that can occur when updating to WordPress core v6.7.0.

This theme update should be applied concurrently with the v2.2.0 Pitchfork Blocks plugin release before attempting to update to WP core files to the latest version.

  • FIX: Removed unnecessary HTML Tag processor call to problematic set_bookmark method. This prevents critial PHP errors from appearing when rendering pages that use the archive.php template or any included pagination functions. See Trac ticket #62290 for more details.
  • CHANGE: Updated Unity Design kit assets to latest from ASU package library. Package changes include an update to the "repeatedly ranked" graphic in the global footer.

Package Versions

Package Old version Updated Version
unity-bootstrap-package 1.9.15 1.15.3
component-header 2.2.5 2.3.3
component-footer 2.2.0 2.2.2

Version 2.2.1

28 Jun 07:24
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Version 2.2.1

Concurrent Release

This release is being made with a concurrent release to the accompanying Pitchfork Blocks plugin.

If you are using the Pitchfork Blocks plugin with this theme, please ensure that you upgrade the plugin to at least v2.1.1 PRIOR to updating the theme to v2.2.1. Updating the theme before the plugin will result in a fatal PHP error for redeclaring a pair of classes that were moved from the plugin to the theme for this release.

The following changes were made:

  • CHANGE: Two custom field definitions for ACF were moved from the Pitchfork Blocks plugin to this theme. This allows the fields to be reused in multiple plugins without needing to be redefined in each application. The fields that are now available include a menu selection control a unique ID field.
  • ADD: A new pattern for the degree card layout was added to the pattern library.

Package Versions

Package Old version Updated Version
unity-bootstrap-package 1.9.15 unchanged
component-header 2.2.5 unchanged
component-footer 2.2.0 unchanged

Version 2.2

20 May 23:30
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This release supports work done within Pitchfork Blocks to add a new set of blocks that redefine how cards work within the editor.


  • ADD: New patterns make it easy to to deploy single cards with various features. The following card patterns were added: icon and text link card, story card, event card, degree card.
  • ADD: A new pattern using a query loop and the new acf/card-v2 block was added to the library.
  • ADD: A new pattern was also included to make a "post column" layout using core blocks only. As originally seen within the home pages of In The Loop and Inner Circle.
  • UPDATE: Existing card patterns which utilized the older card blocks were updated to use the new card blocks.
  • ADD: A pattern representing a whole page with a two column layout was added to the library.

Data Layer

  • ADD: The process of giving a core/button​ block a custom name in the editor will automatically add all needed data layer tags to properly track any desired call to action.
  • CHANGE: Example block patterns for video and regular heroes + the content overlap block now include renamed buttons by default.
  • CHANGE: Patterns that include a layout of three cards and a button now include a renamed button by default.

Package Versions

Package Old version Updated Version
unity-bootstrap-package 1.9.4 1.9.15 (latest)
component-header 2.2.3 2.2.5 (latest)

Version 2.1

16 Feb 22:41
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This release provides a new and improved format for blog posts within a site using the Pitchfork theme.

  • FIX: Posts will now be formatted by default in a compact design that allows for a larger featured image and a visible post excerpt. Design and usability details will follow in a blog post within the ASU Engineering Marketing/Communication site.
  • ADD: Support for a post format called an "aside" is also now available in the post editor. The intent for an aside post is to deliver a short-form news update visible in a feed elsewhere on your site. Individual posts given this format will appear without a post title, and without a featured image.
  • ADD: Direct support for the social sharing service called AddtoAny is provided within the new single.php template. Activate the official AddtoAny plugin within your site to see social sharing icons appear within the sidebar of your post.

Additional actions taken:

  • ADD: Featured images will now be added to site RSS feeds by default.
  • ADD: Added data layer tracking to pagination elements when visible in a template.
  • ADD: Support added for the core/file block to allow for PDF embeds to happen via native WordPress function.
  • FIX: Removed the zero character that appeared when there was no menu assigned to the primary navigation area of the site.
  • FIX: Corrected expected path for favicons for the theme.

Version 2.0.1

17 Oct 18:51
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Minor fixes to the theme, incorporating new updates from the Unity project.

  • ADD: Package updates from @asu to include the "repeatedly #1" innovation footer graphic.
  • FIX: Replaced the icon for the service formerly known as Twitter in the endorsed footer section with the new brand logo. (Bye bye birdie.)
  • FIX: Footer menu now uses markup for BS5 accordions in mobile presentation. When paired with the Pitchfork Blocks plugin, these accordions will now also emit events tracked by the ASU GA4 data layer.
  • FIX: Author archive pages are now redirected to the home page of the site by default. Function can be easily overridden by a child theme if desired for an individual application.

Version 2.0

03 Oct 23:05
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This version updates its references to the Unity Design system from the deprecated @asu/bootstrap-4-theme package to the current @asu/unity-bootstrap-theme package. Plugins that still rely on markup from the older package will need to be updated correspondingly with this release.

Unity Design Kit

  • CHANGE: Unity Bootstrap package references are updated.
  • FIX: Address formatting issue with gold divider style of core/divider block.
  • FIX: Altered markup for the UDS List style of the core/lists blocks. Markup recommended by Unity project still focuses its styling and formatting on the :before element instead of the more current :marker element for both unordered and ordered lists. Added styles within the theme to support :marker while Unity project catches up.
  • FIX: Support for the start and type properties of lists which are now a part of the WordPress UI are also now supported by the UDS List style of the core/lists block.

Data Layer

  • ADD: Added support for logging user interactions to the ASU GA4 data layer object.
    • UI elements with the appropriate markup will be logged automatically
    • Events and clicks associated with the global header are also captured automatically.
  • UNRELEASED: Staged additional script within inc/data-layer-filters which would add data-ga tags to all button blocks within the context of the page. Pending evaluation of approach and possible addition of a UI layer to allow these elements to be named individually.

Additional technical changes

  • CHANGE: A new build process was incorporated into the theme. Developers should see Gulp WP for additional details. Build and compilation process still begins with npm start.
  • FIX: Removed the possibility of fatal PHP errors which occur when the theme is activated without the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. The root cause of most of those errors is a call to the missing get_field function provided by the plugin. All references to get_field were replaced with other native WordPress functions (get_option, get_post_meta) to prevent the error from occuring.
  • ADD: The theme now defines an explicit save and load point for any ACF-JSON configuration files in use by the theme.

Version 1.9.2

18 May 18:57
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Version 1.9.2

  • ADD: Support for the new acf/profile-data block within Pitchfork People was added to theme.json.

Version 1.9.1 (Bug Fix)

03 May 21:53
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Previous release used a reference to get_stylesheet_directory_uri() to enqueue assets from the theme. This function works correctly for when there is no child theme active. But, this results in assets not being loaded correctly when a child theme is present.

  • FIX: Changed references to get_template_directory_uri() to force the assets to always enqueue from the parent theme instead.

Version 1.9

28 Apr 23:38
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This release was a maintenance update of the theme, primarily to update all package references to the old @asu-design-system with new references to @asu (

  • ADDED: Added back the temporarily disabled cookie consent banner. Functioning normally based on new code provided within @asu/component-cookie-consent
  • ADDED: Added partial support for @asu/component-footer. Specifically, the gold and gray bars at the bottom of the page are now updated via the React component.
  • FIX: Site search via the "universal" grey bar in the header wasn't working correctly. Addressed by supplying the correct props to an updated component from @asu/component-header.
  • CHANGE: Parent site will no longer appear unless both the parent name and parent URL are specified in the customizer. The @asu/component-header doesn't support an option for providing only a parent site name.
  • CHANGE: The option to link/unlink the site title in the header was also removed from the customizer. This configuration is also not supported by @asu/component-header.
  • FIX: The focus outline for a linked image was not displaying correctly. Added additional CSS rules to address the issue.